Chapter 21

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The Next Day

Luke's P.O.V.

The plane landed in London, England, and we still hadn't figured out what we were going to do with Ryan once we got off the plane.

Dr. Ryen was going to help us, he was taking his daughter to all of our concerts as a birthday gift, so they were going to travel with us.

We got off the plane and waited anxiously in the terminal for Ryan and the doctor.

We had no clue what Ryan was going to do when we saw each other. Calum was shaking violently with anticipation. Ash was probably thinking back to his childhood, I could see him rubbing his forearms. (Ashton used to have depression and self harmed.) Michael just kept shaking his head and muttering about how unfair it all was. As for me, I was just hoping that she talked.

Ryan's P.O.V.

Dr. Ryen and his daughter Sofia, who he said was my age, 14, walked me towards four boys waiting in the terminal.

Who are they? I wondered. And why do the look so familiar? I tried to brush off the uncomfortable feeling of dèja-vu I was feeling, but it stuck with me. Dr. Ryen gave me a comforting pat on the shoulder. I looked at him, and he pointed to the boys.

"They," he said, "are your dads." No I was even more confused. My Dads? As in plural? But I just nodded silently. We walled up to them, and somehow, I wasn't panicking. I felt safe near them. There were so many questions I wanted to ask, but I never opened my mouth. I just waved.

The blonde boy looked heartbroken, dyed hair dude kept shaking his head, black hair guy looked relieved to see me, and bandanna man smiled to me. I noticed him stroking his forearms, and looked down. Mine had a few scars as well. Did I self harm? I stared at the scars and a memory hit me.


He's gone. I'll never see him again. HE'S GONE.

These thoughts ran through my head on a repeat. I started crying, sobbing uncontrollably. Unconsciously, I pulled something small and cold out of my bag.


I dragged the blade across my wrist several times, inhaling sharply each time it came into contact with my skin. I didn't cut deeply, just enough to make a mark. I needed a reminder. A reminder of this moment. The moment I was officially lost. Worthless. 1st cut. Alone. 2nd cut. Unwanted. 3rd cut. Abused. 4th cut. This continued until 10 cut had been made, and I flushed the blade.



I stumbled back a little, black hair caught me.

"Are you OK?" He asked, his eyes searching my face. I nodded.

"D-Dylen, I remember Dylen."

Now blonde hair looked relieved.

"Anything else?" He asked gently. I shook my head sadly. He nodded and the seven of us left the airport in a big black limo.

We reached a big hotel and the car stopped. We got out, grabbing our stuff. We walled in the lobby and Bandanna Man went to check in.

"Ashton Irwin," I heard him say. So that's his name!

I looked over at the others. Sofia was excitedly talking to dyed hair dude with Dr. Ryen, and black hair guys was joking my punching Blondie in the arm. Another memory knocked into me.


"Get up, you worthless girl!" My mother called. "It's 9:00! Get up you lazy little B**ch!" She kicked me in the stomach, and slapped my face. "Make us breakfast!" She stormed out of the room leaving me crying on the floor.

"Leave Dylen and Ryan alone, Dad!" My little brother Kalub yelled, sobbing. Dad turned around, and punched him in the head hard. The back of his head slammed against the corner of the coffee table hard, and he fell to the floor, dead.


I gasped. Kalub! Dylen! Mom and Dad! I closed my eyes for a moment. What the hell was happening!

I glanced over at black hair guy and saw he was carrying an animal carrier. I peered inside.


"Ohmygoshomygoshomygosh!" I cried out, "They're sooo cute!" The boys mimicked me with girly sqeals. I slapped Calum on the chest, he was the only one next to me. The other boys had run off the play with the puppies.

They had told me that I could pick out two puppies to adopt.

I fell to my knees as the two most adorable little puppies trotted over to me. They were both huskies. One was white with ice blue eyes, so pale, they were almost clear, and the other was a light gray with one pale blue eye, like glass, and one so brown that it was almost black.

The boys walked over to see me cooing over the husky pups. They asked if they were the ones I wanted. I nodded, a grin plastered on my face.

"What are you gonna name them?" Ashton asked.

"The white one will be Crystal, and the grey one will be Bullet." I responded.


Calum! Crystal! Bullet! Ashton! Things were coming back! I dropped my bags and ran over to Calum, hugging him. I looked up to see surprise written on his face.

"I remember you, Ashton, and the puppies!" I said excitedly. Then my smile faded. "I also remember what happened to Kalub." He hugged me again, happy as day.

Memories: Adopted By 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now