Chapter 6

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Ryan's P.O.V.

One hour later

"We can go home now right Calum?" I asked, still getting used to the sound of my voice. He nodded as Dylen helped me put on my new brace.

Ashton helped me out of bed and gave me clothes to change into. I went into the bathroom and got dressed. No more hospital gown! Yay!

We left the room and walked down the hall and out the front doors. I froze at the sight that met my eyes.

Dylen's P.O.V.

"That's a lot of people," I said. There was a ton of 5SOS fans just waiting outside the hospital. I looked back at my sister, as did the boys. She was frozen in fear.

Michael's P.O.V.

How did the fans find us! Oh well. I looked at Ryan. She was terrified. I nudged Calum, and he went over and picked her up. He carried her to the car, and we drove home.

Luke's P.O.V.

We reached home, and Ryan was still shaking. Dylen revealed to us that she is claustrophobic. Mrs. Paige had locked her in a closet a few too many times. We got out of the car, and Dylen guided his little sister up to the front door. He was going to be staying with us for a some time while his college was on break. I unlocked the door and we all went inside, Calum leading Ryan up to her room. It was late. The drive from the hospital to home was about an hour and a half. It was 10:00pm now.

When Calum came downstairs we bombarded him with questions about what shocked Ryan into finally speaking. Dylen just sat on the couch calmly.

Calum's P.O.V.

Poor Dylen, I thought, if he doesn't already know, he'll be miserable.
I took a deep breath, and I began my story.

"I had accidently scared Ryan into falling into the pool, so I wrapped her in a towel and sat her in front of the TV. When I turned it on, it was on the news channel. The first thing Ryan heard, was that her parents had escaped from jail, and that they were looking for her."

"Oh, no!" Ashton.
"Holy sh**!" Luke. Once again, Ashton cuffed him.
"Oh, God!" Michael.

Dylen had taken off to Ryan's room the second I had finished my explanation.

Suddenly, Dylen let out a cry. The boys and I looked at each other and ran up the stairs. We saw Dylen sitting on the floor with a piece of paper in his hand. Ryan's bed was empty. Silently, Dylen handed me the paper.

Dear boys,

We have Ryan now. Dylen is next. If you report this, or try to interfere in any way, Ryan is dead.

All we want is money. We will leave another note soon as to the amount and where. Remember, no interference, or she dies.

-Mr. and Mrs. Paige.

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