Chapter 10

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Hi my little music notes! Shout out to @HajirAlamidi for helping me with this chapter! Read on my lovelies! ♪♪♪


Mr. Paige's P.O.V.

"Ha!" My wife laughed, "for a pair of worthless children, they got us a lot of money!" I cackled and agreed with her.

"Maybe we should have just killed them, like we did with their sh*t of a younger brother, Kalub."

"No, Chris!" She exclaimed, "when we run out of money, we might need them again." He nodded, smirking cruelly. We hailed a cab and drove to the airport, where we had tickets to Vegas. We were planning on hitting up the Casinos.


Ryan's P.O.V.

It was the second time within a month that I was being discharged from a hospital. I had been here for a week. My surgery had gone well and I was fully healed. My chest was still a little sore, and I would have to go through physical therapy. The therapy was to rebuild my strength; the surgery had left me a little weak.

Michael walked in with Dylen trailing close behind. Michael had brought me a change of clothes, and Dylen brought me a stuffed monkey.

Aww! So cute! I thought. I hugged Dylen, then Michael, then the monkey. Michael handed me my clothes and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. I went into the bathroom to change.

Dylen's P.O.V.

I'm so glad she's happy. I wish I could be as happy as my sister, but I was just nervous. When we were in that basement, all locked up, she was broken. Not just physically, but emotionally. When we were there, she was an empty shell who just cried and slept.

I had tried to keep her awake as much as possible, for when she slept it was hard to tell if she was dead or alive. She had been there for a week and a half. I had been there for three days. They had starved her. But now, we were (at least temporarily) safe.

I looked up to see Ryan exiting the bathroom in a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. The sweatpants were black and the shirt gray with a little pikachu on the front. I smiled at her.

She was just as excited to go home as we were to have her. She was bouncing impatiently as Michael gathered up the 4 stuffed animals that the boys had gotten her. Ash got her a dolphin, Luke got her a penguin, Michael got her a bear, and Calum got her a kitten. I, of course, got her the monkey.

We walked to reception, her carrying the monkey and the penguin, and signed her out. We made it through the mass of fans that had once again gathered outside of the hospital. Ryan was so happy to be going home, that she didn't care about the endless amount of people gathered around. She even waved a little. She ignored the rude comments directed at her, and smiled at the kind ones.

Ryan's P.O.V.

I was so happy to be going home, that I didn't even care about the crowds of people swarming around us. I was in such a great mood that I even waved to them, smiling. Dylen seemed surprised at my calmness. I probably would be too...if I wasn't so happy.

We reached the car and got in. Finally I was going home!

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