Chapter 29

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Ryan's P.O.V.

"Blake, why can't we find them?" I asked desperately. "They're famous! But they keep disappearing!"

I just want to see my family again...
I thought.

I sat on the hotel bed, miserable. We had been searching for 6 months, but every time we reached the city where the band was, they had already moved on. Everything I had been through in the past 2 years was terrible.


I was shoved roughly to my knees, my hands bound tightly behind my back. I looked up and saw a strange man, with harsh features sneering at me. I quivered in fear.

"And who is this?" He had an American accent, much different from his henchman, Matthew and Horace. Different from his children, Blake and Skylynn.

Blake Jason Carter was a tall 16 year old boy with spikey cropped black hair. He was probably about 6 foot, with a very tan skin tone, and bright green eyes. His twin sister, Skylynn Raněe Carter, had long very very straight black hair, with pale blue tips to match her ice blue eyes. She was a lot shorter than her brother, probably about 5'5, but every bit as tan.

Their father on the other hand, didn't have that welcoming look to him. He was harsh and cold, and that showed across every feature. He wasn't nearly as tan as his children, rather he was pale in comparison. His cheekbones were high, but not in a handsome way. Instead, it looked as if his skin was stretched too tightly over top. Skylynn had obviously inherited his eyes, although his version were cold, and unforgiving. His smile seemed pleasant, until you met the man within, and realized it didn't stretch quite to his eyes. His voice was deep, and frightening. It was enough to send chills down anyone's back.

"Her name is Ryan, Sir." Blake spoke, showing no emotion towards the man who sired him.

"She is the adoptive child of that famous Aussie band." Skylynn continued, using the same toneless voice as her twin.

Jason Carter stopped and thought for a second. She could be worth something to him. Keeping the girl here for awhile, then pretending to have found her? Genius, and he could get a hefty reward in return for his efforts.

"Take the girl to my personal rooms. I want to have a word with her before we lock her up." He ordered. "Skylynn Ranêe!"

She stiffened, suddenly alert.

"Yes Sir?"

"After that she stays with you."

End of Flashback

I shuddered to think of what happened that night. And every night after. Torture. Being beaten worse than my parents ever would. My parents were wicked enough to murder their child.

Jason Carter topped them both.

It took Skylynn, Blake, and Me, a year and a half to escape from that terrible man. It took many failed attempts, and even harsher beatings, but we had finally done it 6 months ago. Now all we had to do was find the boys. Easy right? Wrong.

The Band kept on doing their concerts, after postponing them for a week after I was kidnapped. No matter how much they were hurting, they couldn't disappoint their fans. However, they never gave up looking. Before they sang Amnesia every night, they asked their fans to help keep an eye out for me. They asked on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. Almost every Snapchat had something to do with me. They we're desperate. As was I. I refused to give up as well.

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