Chapter 27

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Calum's P.O.V.

After breakfast, once everyone was ready, we left the penthouse hotel room and went to sightsee around London.

There was no time to waste. The boys and I wanted to spend time with Ryan before the concerts started. Our first one was tomorrow.

We showed her and Sofia the venue where we would be playing the next night. They were so excited to see us perform.

Next we went windowshopping, mainly just so we could walk around And explore. After that, we went to see Buckingham Palace.

Ryan's P.O.V.

I had never seen anything as beautiful as Buckingham Palace. It was breathtaking. Sofia had brought her camera, and took a few pictures. A lot of pictures. Of everything.

After wandering for a couple of hours, we decided it was time to get something to eat. We found a cute little restaurant not far from where we were, and went inside. It wasn't as busy as we expected, but there was still a line. We got our food and sat down to eat.

Ashton's P.O.V.

Ryan was happier than I had seen in a long time. Her face was glowing with adventure and new life. she laughed and talked with Sofia, Dr. Ryen, and us boys. Not once did I see the usual flicker of doubt, or self consciousness cross her face. Her happiness, caused mine.

After we finished our meal, we went outside the walk around more.

Ryan's P.O.V.

After walking a bit more, Sof and I convinced Cal, Ash, Lukey, and Mikey to take us to the London eye.

We got in line, Sofia and I bouncing in excitement, and waited there for what was probably about an hour.

Eventually, we made it to the front, and climbed in to two of the Ferris wheel crates.

I squealed a little as the carriage rocked when I climbed in. I laughed with the others as my face turned red.

The view from the Ferris wheel was amazing. I had never seen anything like it. I was mesmerized, and so was Sofia. Sadly, the ride had to come to an end, and we got out of the carriages.

Next we visited The Kensington Palace, where Ashton got a fan to take a picture of all of us in front of it. He and the boys then gave them autographs.

After all that was finished, we left for the venue.


A couple of hours later, the concert was beginning. Sofia and Dr. Ryen had long since left to find their seats, and I watched the concert on a monitor to avoid the crowds.

As the concert neared it's end, my family began to sing Fly Away, and I drifted off as if it was a lullaby.


I awoke not much later to jostling and cursing, in harsh British voices that I didn't understand. I was blindfolded again, so I couldn't look around. So, I did the only thing I could thing of. I pretended to be asleep.

Good thing too, because the voices we're getting closer and closer.

"D'you think she'll wake up soon, Matthew?" The first voice.

"I dunno Horace, so stop askin' me stupid questions!" The second.

"Shut up the both of you!" Whisper-yelled the third, and final, voice. "Do you want to wake her and risk the child yelling for help?"

Yeah, right. I had learned to hold my screams in by now. Holding my tongue was one thing I excelled at.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry sir." Horace.

"Yeah, Blake. We didn't mean nothin' by it."

The pair walked away. The third man, Blake, had a softer, younger, kinder voice than their harsh tones. There was something else in it too. Regret, maybe?

"Poor child." Blake said softly, believing me to be asleep. "I didn't want to have to take anyone, but those idiots out there did it when they saw you asleep. I will protect you. I will get you out of here. I don't want anything to do with this, but my father...." His voice broke with a twinge of fear, and my ears perked.

His father? Could this "Blake" be like me?

I shivered, involuntarily, and felt a blanket fall on top of me. Before he left, he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"I know you're awake. And I will keep you safe, especially from my father. I promise."

I drifted off to sleep again, the fear still lingering in my gut. I had been kidnapped. Again.

But alongside that fear was another feeling. Hope. I hoped that Blake was someone I could trust. That he would keep his promise.

I needed my family. And they needed me.

Memories: Adopted By 5sosNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ