Chapter 4

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Ashton's P.O.V.

"What do you think?" I asked Ryan. She grinned, and gave me a big hug, giving one to Calum after. He high-fived me.

"Get settled and come down for breakfast, yeah?" Calum said. Ryan nodded and walked around, checking everything out. Calum and I left the room and walked down the stairs.

"You tried to get her to talk, didn't you." Calum asked me as we walked. I nodded sheepishly.

"We have to keep trying." I explained. "If we consistently give her opportunities, eventually she may speak."

Calum nodded.

Ryan's P.O.V.

This room is amazing! Ashton asked me if I liked it, and I almost said yes. But I better not speak just yet. I can't let them get to me this quickly. I laid my suitcase on my new bed, and began to unpack.

5 minutes later.

I sighed, satisfied that I was finished. I left my room and found my way to the stairs and down to the kitchen. All four boys were waiting for me with a plate full of waffles and bacon. Wow. I thought. That's a lot of food.

Breakfast was loud and entertaining. Michael bet Luke $5 that he could balance a waffle on his nose for 5 seconds. (A/N get it? 5 Seconds?) That ended in disastrous hilarity when Ashton took the syrup bottle and poured it all over Michaels face and hair. Luke completed the masterpiece by taking 2 pieces of bacon and giving him antenna.

Calum and I were sitting on the opposite side of the table, doubled over in laughter. Michael was trying to hide it, but he was laughing too. Luke gave Michael the 5 dollars as a consolation prize, and when he wasn't looking, gave Ashton the 5 bucks too, for the syrup.

Michael went up to his bathroom to take a shower, and I made my way through the house to explore.

Calum's P.O.V.

I was still laughing as we cleaned up the breakfast dishes. I high-fived Ashton and Luke as I threw the plates away. I finally managed to stop laughing and looked around.

"Where's Ryan?"

Ryan's P.O.V.

I made my way outside, continuously amazed with everything I saw. I was in the backyard, standing in front of a huge pool. I had never seen anything like this place. I walked slowly towards the pool, sitting on edge with my feet in the water. This place was beautiful.

I just sat there with my eyes closed, thinking, for about half an hour, when someone called out my name. I startled... And fell in the pool.

"Ryan!" The voice called again. Strong arms pulled me out of the water, shivering. It was Calum. He grabbed a giant towel and wrapped me in it. He took me inside and sat me in front of the TV.

What I saw when the news turned on, made my blood freeze.

"...have escaped from prison, and are running around searching for their daughter. If you are watching this Ryan, be careful." I spoke for the first time in 2 years.

"No! It can't be!"

Memories: Adopted By 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now