Chapter 14

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Dylen's P.O.V.

"Hello brother." Kalub had said. I just started crying. I couldn't believe it. I mean, it couldn't really be him... Could it? Ashton heard my cries and came out to the hall way where I was standing.

"What's wrong Dylen?" He asked me. I just kept staring at Kalub, shaking my head. Ash turned around to see what I was looking at, but all he saw was empty wall. "Boys!" He called. Three pairs of feet walked in as my vision blurred and I passed out.

Luke's P.O.V.

(In the hospital,)

Dylen had been here nearly two weeks now. He had hit his head against the wall when he blacked out, placing him in a coma. The doctors didn't know when he would wake up, or if he could hear us.

The doctor and nurses kept encouraging us to talk to him, just in case he could hear us. We kept trying, but nothing happened. I think that what he really needs is Ryan to say something, but she still hasn't spoken. In fact, she had now cut herself off from us even more.

Michael's P.O.V.

I'm so confused. I don't who to be worried about anymore. Is it Ryan, or is it Dylen? Next thing you know, there's going to be something else too! The doctors say Dylen passed out from shock, but what could possibly have shocked him so badly that he ended up comatose?!

Calum's P.O.V.

Everything has gotten so crazy lately. The kidnapping, the discovery of Ryan's issue, and now Dylen? *sigh* I don't know what to think anymore.

Ashton's P.O.V.

What was Dylen staring at? Thee was something there that only he could see. He's not schizophrenic, he's not crazy, he doesn't get lost in memories like his sister... Whatever it was, it had to be real. But what could it have been?

Ryan's P.O.V.

Dylen has been in the hospital for two weeks. He hasn't woken up at all, and I haven't been to see him. Despite the boys best efforts, I haven't even left my room. I sighed. I'll let the boys take me to see him today. I can't put this off any longer.

Calum stayed home with me today, so I think I'll go try and get him to take me. I walked out of my room and down the hall to his, knocking on his door when I reached it. It opened quicker than expected.

"Ryan!" He said, surprised. I looked at him sadly. "Do you want to go see your brother?" He asked, and I nodded. Cal told me to go get dressed, and then we left.

Calum's P.O.V.

She actually left her room! She wants to see her brother, I just hope that nothing bad happens while we're there.

Luke's P.O.V.

Ryan had just walked into Dylen's room, and was hugging me, when Dylen started shaking uncontrollably. Michael ran out of the room to get help, and Ryan trembled in fear.

The heart moniter started beeping faster and faster and faster, and then it flatlined. The doctors rushed in with a crash cart in an attempt to save him, but it was too late.

"Let's call it," Dr. Peters sighed. "Time of death is 1:44 pm." He looked to us all in turn, his gaze hovering on Ryan the longest. "I am deeply sorry for your loss." And then he left the room. Ryan jumped out of my arms and ran into the bathroom, locking the door.

Ryan's P.O.V.

He's gone. I'll never see him again. HE'S GONE.

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