Chapter 16

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Ryan's P.O.V.

I nudged the person sitting next to me. It was Luke.

"I'll be right back." I whispered. He nodded, and I left the room, Kalub and Dylen following close behind.

"You have 5 minutes to explain."

Kalub stepped forward to say something, but Dylen pushed him back, stepping forward instead.

"It's not Kalub's fault," he started. "Sure, he shocked me when I saw him, and that's why I passed out. I wouldn't have been comatose if I didn't hit the wall, and it isn't the doctors fault that I died." I looked to him, confused.

"It's my fault." He stated. "I let go." My sad face turned to an angry one.

"You let go!" I said angrily, "you had the choice to stay and live with me and the boys, or die, letting go, and you Let GO!?" I was pissed. He left me. He chose to leave me forever. Hot tears ran down my face. I couldn't believe it.

"Just let him explain Ryan, please," Kalub begged. I nodded.

"3minutes left," was all I said.

"I let go, because Kalub was alone. That was the shock that made me pass out. Seeing him, and realizing that he was so alone that he came back, was too much for me, and I blacked out. After two weeks of holding on, I decided that he needed me, and I let go."

I nodded, understanding. I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.

"Why did you come back today?" I asked.

"You deserved an explanation for all of this." Kalub answered. "We owed it to you to know why, I don't want you to hurt yourself again." He got quiet at that part, but Dylen heard anyway.

"You hurt yourself?" He sounded heartbroken. I pulled up the sleeve of the dress and showed him the scars. His ghostly hand was cold as he traced over them.

"Don't worry," I whispered. "I won't do it again." He nodded.

"Goodbye." He whispered, him and Kalub fading. I shook my head.

"Until next time," I whispered back. My brothers smiled, disappearing. I walked back into the funeral, my spirit lifted, I was happy, Kalub was not alone, and Dylen was happier. I've got the boys, and the brothers have each other.


True to his word, Luke and the boys took me out to do something fun after the funeral. We went bowling first, Ashton's idea, then we went for pizza, Michael's idea (obviously), then for ice cream. Luke's idea.

Now we were on our way to do something Calum had chosen, but he wouldn't tell me what.

We were apparently almost there when the boys told me to cover my eyes. I sighed dramatically and did so. I felt the car stop, and the boys lead me from the car into a building. They told me I could open my eyes now. I shrieked with joy.


"Ohmygoshomygoshomygosh!" I cried out, "They're sooo cute!" The boys mimicked me with girly sqeals. I slapped Calum on the chest, he was the only one next to me. The other boys had run off the play with the puppies.

They had told me that I could pick out two puppies to adopt.

I fell to my knees as the two most adorable little puppies trotted over to me. They were both huskies. One was white with ice blue eyes, so pale, they were almost clear, and the other was a light gray with one pale blue eye, like glass, and one so brown that it was almost black.

The boys walked over to see me cooing over the husky pups. They asked if they were the ones I wanted. I nodded, a grin plastered on my face.

"What are you gonna name them?" Ashton asked.

"The white one will be Crystal, and the grey one will be Bullet." I responded. Michael nodded approvingly. We adopted the huskies, (Crystal was female, and Bullet was male.) Me picking a purple leash and collar for Crystal, and and a black leash and collar for Bullet. We took my puppies and left for home.

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