Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

My alarm clock went off. I sighed and buried my face in my pillow. My body ached still and I was tired.

"Anna?" I peeked out from under my pillow to see my dad sticking his head in my room.


"It's almost time for school, you need to get ready or you will be late"

"Okay...." I sighed and got up, my dad left while I got my stuff ready. I ran downstairs grabbed a piece of toast and stuffed it in my mouth.

"Bye mom and dad!" With that I ran out of the door and started walking to my bus stop. A motorcycle zoomed by me causing a powerful swoop of wind to mess up my hair. I glared at the driver wishing I could burn holes in his helmet with my eyes. I got on the bus and sat down. Soon I was having questions thrown at me

"Anna! Where were you?! What happened?! Why do you have bruises?!"

"Well----" izzy interrupted

"Oh and I got a new boy friend!"

"What's his name?" I asked glad to be off the topic of me.

"Chad!" I rolled my eyes. Izzy always had a new boyfriend every week. And trust me I'm not exaggerating on this one.


I made it through most of my day without any problems. I walked into Mr. Agasteins class and sat down next to drake who looked at me with confused eyes. "What are you staring at?!"

"You have bruises on your arms and one on your cheek, are you okay?" His question shocked me. We only exchanged a few words and most of them were snide comments. Why did he suddenly care?

"I'm fine, I was uh erm in a car accident! Anyway, why do you care? I only met you the other day!"

"Does it bother you baby girl?"

"Excuse me?!" He cleared his throat and looked me right in the eye.

"I said, does-it-bother-you-baby-girl?"

"First of all yes second of all don't ever call me that!" He chuckles and drapes his arm around the back of my chair. I shove it off. He places it back and I sigh.

"Excuse me! Anna Johnson and drake Parker!" My head snaps up and my face starts to turn red. Drake looks amused by my reaction to mr. Agastein calling us out. "This is my class so I would appreciate it if you had you couple chats later!" The whole class burst out laughing including izzy. Drake tensed up at the couple part and quickly dropped his arm. I put my head down on the desk waiting for my face to cool off.

"Settle down everyone, settle down! Lets talk about our project! I will be pairing you up with a partner and you will have to preform a song together!" I slowly lift my head up at the mention of a song. I check to see drakes expression and he's just staring out the window I turn back to the teacher. He starts pairing up people and I'm praying for a good partner, possibly even ben. The other goody two shoes, I have never heard him talk except for maybe once. Anyone except for---

"Anna and drake will work together since they seem to be such good friends" great just great. I turn and look at drake who's already looking at me. He leans closer and I shiver as his cool breath hits my skin.

"This should be fun baby girl, see ya later" he slipped something into my hand and got up just as the bell rang. I looked at the note as soon as he was out of sight. It had a address that I assumed was his. I guess we were gonna work at his house tonight. I grabbed my books and left class. Izzy was waiting for me.

"So your dating the hot new bad boy?!" She whispered excitedly.

"Ew no! He's a freaking pervert and a creep!"

"Relax a bit anna! And he's not a normal creep, he's a hot creep!" I roll my eyes.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"No we broke up!" I stared at izzy.

"Really? You were only dating for like 5 hours, not even!"

"Ya.... Oh well!" She shrugs and walks off. I walk into the parking lot with izzy by my side she's babbling about something but I'm not listening. A motorcycle zooms by and I'm pretty sure I heard the person on the bike say "see ya later baby girl!" I shook the thought away, it must be my imagination.

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