Chapter 27

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Anna's P.O.V

Some people say silence is comforting. And at times that is true, but other time you can't achieve that perfect silence and you are stuck; surrounded by noise and sounds and lights and expected to bring you're 100%

For me, us, that time was now. Drake, Izzy, Ben and I all stood behind the stage that had been set up in our gymnasium. Light flashed and music played from the speakers. Meant to keep the other students entertained until the live act was ready. But for me- well. It all just seemed to add to the pressure. I felt near to losing it.

"Okay... Wait- what order are we going in again?" Ben scratched the back of his neck.

"Are you kidding Me? Didn't we go over this like- yesterday?!" Izzy asked, hopping from foot to foot.

"Everyone just stop!! Please- Drake just.. Let's see the paper again" I moved next to him; Pressing against his side, attempting to read the crumpled paper as stage hands shoved past.

"Me and Ben go first I guess... Than alternate. And than at then-" he was cut off by the quick static of a mic. Someone was preparing to speak on stage.

"Welcome everyone to senior prom! I hope so far you're enjoying yourself. But prepare yourself for even more excitement because," a stage hand grabbed us and shoes us towards metal steps that lead to the stage. Our shows making loud obnoxious clicks as we stepped up, "here is you're live entertainment; Anna Johnson! Ben Osterman! Drake Parker! And Izzy Tyler!"

In order we stepped onto stage, receiving cheers and whistles from various students. The lights all but blinding me as I attempted to make out the faces in the crowd.

"Well hello everyone. Thank you to our wonderful principle for that introduction" Ben spoke into the mic, gesturing offstage in the direction in which the principle now was. "And I'm sure you're just as excited as we. And to be completely honest I feel about ready to pass out. So... Who do we call in case of emergency?"

A random voice shouted "Ghost busters!"

Ben pursed his lips but it was obvious he was amused. "Yes yes, call the ghost busters. Anyway, we'll be doing this slightly different than a lot of groups. Were going in like duo orderish... Uh ya you'll figure it out as we go along."

This time is was drakes turn, he grabbed a guitar and handed it to Ben then stepped up to his own mic. "Up first is me and this loser" by this time me and izzy did our small waves and stepped back off to the side. "And I'm sure you'll guess all the songs as soon as we get into them so let's stop wasting time! Dim the lights!"

Stage crew obliged and the crowd soon hushed... All that was heard was the echo of the single warm up strum both boys had done.

Here goes nothing.

[A/N: no the chapter isn't over. But they are Preforming now and it's quite a few songs. So I'll be writing their actions during the song and some lyrics. But for the full effect you'll have to search up the songs. I just don't want to bore you with lyrics to like, seven songs. However the last song tells a story so still pay close attention ]

Soon the strumming of the guitar picked up. Someone took over drums, probably a stage hand who was as equally as talented as the rest of us. Bens voice sounded smooth as velvet as it came through the mic.

"Welcome to sunset boulevard everyone" he laughed and smirked, continuing the guitar.

"See if you can keep up with me everyone... Are you ready, I said 1- 2- 3- 4 let's go!" Drake shouted. Taking the mic of the stand and jumping off the stage towards the crowd. Drakes voice was raspy and rough but it suited him as he sang..

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