Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I walked into the ice cream parlor on shaky legs.

"You okay baby girl?" Drake actually looked genuinely concerned.

"Ya, I'm still shaking from the ride...."

"Oh come on! It wasn't that bad."

"I almost died!!!"

"We'll you di----" we were interrupted by the waitress. She lead us to a booth and handed us both a menu. I looked at all the selections and finally decided what I wanted.

"I will take the Reese's sundae, with extra peanut butter..... Oh! And extra Reese's" the waitress, or should I say Sydney since that's what her name tag said, rolled her eyes. Drake ordered a Bannana split. The waitress stared at drake a little longer than she should've before walking away.

"So baby girl, tell me about yourself" I looked at him.

"What's there to tell?"

"I don't know,how about stuff that I don't know" drake said raising a eyebrow.

"Okay, ummmm I'm 17, my dads a lawyer, my moms a nurse, my favorite colors green. I love pasta and Reese's. I hate the squeaking of shoes against marble floors and motorycycles," drake rolled his eyes at that one, "oh and you scare me" drake laughed hysterically.

"I scare you?"

"Yes yes you do.... Umm why don't you tell me about yourself." I said changing the subject.

"We'll I'm 18, I hate my brother Tom, my favorite color is also green. I love ice cream, and tacos. Oh and I hate girls who hate motorcycles"

"Oh wow thanks.." I looked down.

"Hey anna relax! I was joking, I think it's cute..." My head snapped up.



"Okay......" I gave him a weird look,"why don't you tell me about your parents?" Drake immediately tensed up.

"They're they....... They're dead. They were killed in a car accident....." My eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh, I'm I'm so sorry I didn't know" he looked at me and smiled.

"It's okay baby girl...." I rolled my eyes. He's only used my real name twice maybe three times this entire day. That's when Sydney, our waitress showed up. I also noticed she unbuttoned her shirt alittle.

"Here's your sundae" she practically threw it at me but I caught it before it slid off the table. "Here's your banana split dear!" She changed personalities when it came to drake. She placed his down right in front of him. Showing alittle more chest area. That's when I snapped.

"Why don't you button up your shirt you whore!" Sydney stood up.

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me!"

"At least I'm not a virgin!"

"At least I don't have STD'S!!" With that Sydney stormed away. I stared down and started to eat my ice cream, all the while drake stared at me.



Anna just called out our waitress. I have never seen her explode like that. I stared at her while she ate her ice cream like nothing happened.

"What?" She looked up at me.

"Nothing just, I have never seen you do anything like that!" I smiled and she laughed.

"Well there's alot you have never seen me do!"

"Like me?" It took a second for her to register what I said.

"What do you---- ohhh eww! You pervert!" She reached across the table and punched my arm.

"Ow no need for violence!"

"Parker?" I love when she used my last name, oh god I sound like a nerd.

"Ya baby girl?" Shit, I did it again. Note to self, start using her real name.

"Um nothing."

"You sure?"


I gobbled down my ice cream then stood up, so did anna. I payed for both our icecream and then lead anna to the bike. She put on the helmet and got on.

"Please don't get us killed!" Her grip on my shirt tightened.

"No promises baby girl!" I did it again!!!! Whatever baby girl it is.

"Drakeeeeeeee!?!?!" I laughed as she screamed my name.


I was very thankful when we pulled up in my driveway. I hopped off the bike and set the helmet down on the seat. I went to open the door, but a cold chill went down my spin. I spun around and drakes face was only a few inches from mine.

"Wh what are you doing?" Drake had me pushed up against the door.

"Am I scaring you baby girl?"

"Uhh maybe well-" he leaned in and left a trail of kisses up my neck and a involuntary moan escaped my lips. I felt him smirk.

"Don't worry baby gi---" the door was pulled open and I stumbled back. Oh no.... I looked up and saw my dads face. Drake froze in his place.

"Dad! We were just---"

"Go to your room anna we will talk about this tomorrow!!"

"But dad?!"

"Don't you but dad me! Up to your room now!!!"

"Fine!!" I threw my keys on the table and up to my room. Slamming my door as hard as I can to make a point.


Me and Anna's father were locked in a intense staring match. Outside I was calm but inside I was like "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT!!!"

"Who the hell are you?!"

"My names drake sir"

"And your last name?"


"What were you and my daughter doing before you brought her home?"

"We were working on a song for our project, then I took her out for ice cream and now we are here sir" I shifted my weight from foot to foot.

"Fine.... You better not touch her! Or I will find you! And hurt you! And make it look like a accident!" He was in my face now. I gulped and took a step back.

"Yes sir!" I ran to my bike and quickly left.


That boy was nothing but trouble. I could tell. Meghan, my wife gave me a look and went to talk to anna. I sighed, I'm only trying to protect my daughter. I don't want her getting hurt.

(Sorry if this isn't my best chapter I had writers block)




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