Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"I'm a fallen angel..."

My heart started to pound. They're real, very real. One was sitting right in front of me. I've only heard stories. How they used to be Angels but then were kicked back down on earth to suffer. Their once white wings becoming a midnight black color. But it was spiritual matter so they weren't visible to the human eye. At least they weren't supposed to be. Fallen angels were supposed to be horrible creatures who roamed the alleys praying on innocent souls. But I just couldn't see drake doing that. A while ago maybe, but now? No, I know him to well.

"Anna? Anna? Are you okay?!" My thoughts focused on drake once again.

"Ya it's it's just that..."

"What? I'm supposed to be evil right? That's what your expecting? Me to go roam the alleys at night praying on innocent people?!" His voice was rising but I held my ground. Drake towered over me his black hair falling in his face.

"Drake I never said that"

"But you were thinking it!" He backed me into the counter. Izzy stepped forward but Ben held her back. My eyes searched his. But they were no longer his beautiful brown orbs. They were black, like a deep endless hole. Ben and izzy left the room, probably expecting a screaming match to happen. Drake had dried blood on his eye so, me being the caring person I am, I went to clean it up. But he grabbed me wrist forcefully holding it above my head. The blood drained from my arm and feeling was disappearing.

"D d drake your hurting m me!"

"I know..." His cold breath sent shivers down my spine. Something In my wrist started to make noises. Which wasn't good. A whimper started to escape my lips but were quickly silenced by drakes mouth. All I could do was kiss back. Drake let go off my wrist and moved his hands down to my waist pulling me closer to him. Pain shot down my wrist like a jolt of lightening. Of course I don't know what being struck like lightening feels like, but I'm sure it hurts like hell. And that's exactly how my wrist felt right now.


"A Anna?" He moved away, eyes back to normal and the anger gone from his voice. That wasn't him just now, that was the evil side. The side that I now realize he's been trying to hide.

"My wrist... It hurts a lot drake.." Tears started to fall down my face.

"Drake get away from her.." We both looked up to see zack. A black and blue bruise underlined his eye, his hand at his sides clenched into fists.

Drake looked at me then quickly walked out of the room exchanging a few quiet words with zack before completely leaving.

"What hurts?"

"My wrist"

"I'll bandage it up..."


"What?" Something flash across his face. Was it anger? Sadness? Or both?

"Are you a fallen angel too?"

"Yes, and I regret everything..."

With that he silently started wrapping my wrist in ace bandage. Making sure it was stable so I wouldn't injure it further. His tender hands caressed my cheek. Zack a bottom lip moved like he was going to say something but nothing came out.

"You smell like him..."


"Your his.... He fucking marked you!" Zack a hands slammed against the table breaking it in half earning a flinch from me.

"Stop it, please"

"Why?! I have a right to--"

"No zack! Just stop it!! Don't you get how this makes me feel?! The people closest to me have been living a complete lie and I'm expected to act like I didn't see anything!"

Once again the tears begin to fall. Zack stood there, he was mad I could see it but I kept rambling on. "My parents probably think I was kidnapped seeing I haven't returned from my 'night out' why me huh? Why is my life so screwed up?!" With three strides Zack was in front of me again.

"Why you? That's the best you can come up with? At least you can find someone to love! At least your ALIVE!! Because I'm not! I'm a angel of darkness so is your boyfriend drake! We can never live a normal life so think about that the next time you start to complain!"

His words hit me like bricks. Zack has never yelled at me before. The feelings inside were overwhelming. My head was pounding. A blood curdling scream left my mouth as I started to pull at my hair. Apparently today was a day for mood swings. Everyone was on edge except izzy, who's usually the messed up one. More random screams left my lips and I started to kick at the cabinet and pull my hair. Arms wrapped around me and held me tight until I stopped kicking and screaming.

"I'm sorry Anna.... But this is how it is..." Said zack in a soft voice

"Why?" Tears soaked his shirt as I cried Into his chest.

"Because, your falling for the fallen..."


Hey guys, it's the writer and it took me a while to get this chapter done. I have two stories up at this point so it's kinda hard plus I have a lot of things to do with school and stuff. Anyway I know it's not my best but I hope you like it!


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