Chapter 20

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Anna's P.O.V

The weather gods decided it would be a good night to call a major storm into town. One which caused the wind to howl at a loud obnoxious tone, and the rain to patter at a constant annoying pace. So needless to say my slumber wasn't a peaceful one.

When I woke up from my 4 hour sleep, I was hoping the rain would've ended and the streets were drying up. But no, the rain was was still coming down. Puddles were god knows how deep and knowing my luck the bus would splash through one just as it came to pick me up.

After showering and slipping on skinny jeans, combat boots, a concert t-shirt and a jacket from Pink, I ran downstairs and too the kitchen.

"Good morning Anna! How did you sleep?"

I looked at my father who was glancing up from his newspaper and morning cup of coffee. I'm pretty sure my dad was one of the only people who still read the newspaper. And that's another thing, why do dad's always drink coffee? Coffee supposedly stunted your growth but that didn't seem to prove true to my dad. I shook away the random thoughts and offered a small smile.

"With all this rain? Not well. How much longer is it gonna be like this?"

"All day, but you know those weather men. Always screwing up the forecast. Hopefully it will end by tonight.."

I nodded as I ate my chocolate chip granola bar, at the same time, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Uh- anyway dad I should get going to the bus."

"Do you want me to drive you to the bus stop?"

Though it was a kind offer I shook my head. "Nah, I'll be fine." Kissing my fathers cheek before walking out the door and through the rain towards the bus stop.

Thank god the bus driver arrived early today. Everyone on the bus was soaked with water while she sat there is her leather chair listening to one direction. Blasting the air conditioning no less. Even though it was cold, it was better than standing in the rain.

As I tried my best not to scream with irritation, I glanced out the window until izzy got on the bus. That's when I filled her in on the previous days events. Zach better not have expected me too keep this to myself. He should know Id at least tell izzy.

That or she'd pry it out of me. Izzy was a very convincing person. After all, she managed to seduce a club bouncer... Not a task for the ordinary human being.


The last week of school was always hectic. Finals, pack up, graduation, goodbyes. In our mind the year dragged on, but as soon as it came to the last week it felt like a blink of an eye. The scariest part was after this, there would be no coming back to this school. It was off to some college which had been scouted out, one where our futures were formed. Add in the fact that this was a talent school made it even more stressful.

Senior year was no joke.

"Okay class! As you know this is your last week here at this school. No coming back- you're seniors!" A collective sound of cheers and slow claps erupted. "But that also means this week will be somewhat different than usual" Mrs. Calderone spoke. She was considered our home room teacher as well as 'performance/stage presence' teacher. "Today and Tuesday will be clean up and final testing. Wednesday will be yearbook signing Along with the choosing of the performers for prom. Thursday will be graduation. And Friday you have off.. Prom later that night"

After Mrs. Calderone explained what exactly was going on we got to work. Cleaning up supplies and gathering notebooks and folders we had left scattered throughout the classroom during the long year.

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