Chapter 18

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Anna's P.O.V

He had to be drunk. There was no other explanation for his behavior. Though it was a sweet side I hadn't seen, which ruled out my drunk theory.

Even so, the tough bad ass Drake was a more comforting figure to me. When he was near, a sense of protection would wash over me. One that I've never experienced.

Here comes the cliché, the good girl falling in love with the bad boy. My story, at least had a twist, my bad boy was a a fallen angel.

"Anna, what station?" Izzy asked as she turned around in her seat.

"106.1 BLI please..." Sighing I gave a soft smile. Sneaking a glance at Drake, only to find him already looking at me.

The look sent a shiver down my spine. Instead of the soft yet devious one I had grown so used to; it was a hard and steeled glare.

At that moment I felt like a bug under a scientist microscope. Or like that poor frog we had dissected in class.

Either way, I wanted the glaring to stop.

As izzy switched to the station and turned up the volume a slow smile had spread across everyone faces. Or so I thought everyone's.

"Get jazzy on me.... I'm that flight that you get on, international. First class seat on my lap girl, riding comfortable. Cause I know what the girl them need; New York to Haiti...."

Izzy squealed and began to sing along. Ben just chuckled and kept his eyes on the road. But his lips could be seen quietly mouthing the words.

"Come on Anna! Sing!"

After a few moments of bickering back and forth I had joined in. Dancing around in my seat. All of our voices ringing through the car. All except drakes.

"I got lipstick stamps on my passports your make it hard to leave. Been around the world don't speak the language, but your booty don't need explaining! All I really need to understand is- when- you talk dirty to me"

I reached over and grabbed drakes hand in attempt to get him to sing along. After all, we did go to the school for the gifted and talented.

Speaking of school, we had to go tomorrow. No excuses. Plus, we were getting our grades on the performance.

My thoughts were cut off by Drake ripping his hand from mine like it was a poisonous snake. A disgusted look passed over his face as he gazed at all of us. I was never the one to say If I saw something odd. Or I would notice and than gently hint at it later. So of course I just stare at Drake with a somewhat hurt look. It was izzy who spoke up.

"What the hell Drake? She's just trying to get you to sing along!"

"I don't-" he hesitated a moment before something appeared to click, and he went off yet again, "I don't give a flying fuck what's she was trying to do! That song is disgraceful and it hard to believe you consider it music.."

Ben snorted and shook his head.

"Man... Whatever you drank in that club must have fucked you up.."

Izzy Continued her glare and I couldn't help but shrink into the door. If I pressed any harder id probably fall out of the vehicle. Ben was joking, but there was something wrong with Drake.

He hadn't even asked about my wrist which he had almost broken.

"Oh relax Benjamin..." Just as the words had slipped from drakes mouth, the car slammed to a stop. Both izzy and my body's jolting forward. The unsuspecting Drake, hit his head hard on the seat. I almost felt bad but soon remember they didn't really get hurt. Or they did and it just healed fast. Whatever it was Drake didn't seem fazed.

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