Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The fine to get into the club was 15 dollars a person you also needed ID to prove your 21. I gulped realizing my stuff was at home and that I was 17 which is far from the entry age.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea drake lets go!" I tried pulling his arm but he didn't budge.

"Relax baby girl" drake took me by the arm and walked with me into the club. We bypassed the guards who just smiled at us, or should I say drake. I'm guessing drake is a usual here and I'm the unwelcome newcomer. Drake, me, izzy and drakes friend sat in the first empty booth we saw.

"So Anna, how did you end up with this guy," drakes friend said,"oh and my names ben by the way"

"Oh well I was walking in the hall and he shoved me" I smiled evily at drake who scowled, Ben laughed.

"That's how he gets girls to notice him, as you can tell he's not the nicest person" I laughed and it looked like ben was going laugh to but drake glared at him. It's like they were communicating through their minds! weird, I know. Ben shifted and gulped, he looked nervous. Izzy broke the awkward silence.

"Hey can we get drinks?" A waiter heard and walked over.

"Hey drake what will it be tonight?"

"3 beers and one frozen margarita with salt" I glared at drake, as the waiter walked away.

"I'm not drinking beer! It has alcohol in it!" Drake ben and izzy looked at me like I had three heads. They then burst out laughing. My face turned tomato red. I got up and stalked away from the booth. Drake quickly got up and followed he grabbed my arm.

"What do you want drake?!"

"Anna please I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh its just that, well most of us have had beer before. And alcohol...."

"So?! That dosent give you the right to laugh!"

"Anna please I---"

"Save it drake!" I turned to leave but his strong arm pulled me to him. I tried getting away but he held me tight. Suddenly he pressed his lips to mine. His grip lightened and I stopped struggling. Once again he bite my lip, but it didn't bother me. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"You're mine now baby girl" I felt dizzy as he lead me back to the table. I don't know if it was his statement or the Kiss that made me feel that way. As we sat down the waiter handed us out drinks. I'm guessing what I have was the margarita, or whatever it's called. It tasted okay, but it made me even more dizzy. Drake had his arm around me and ben did the same with izzy.

"Sooo I have a confession to make. since this seems to be our new group of friends I want you all to know the truth about me" said izzy.

"okay...." Ben looked at her confused.

"Okay, we'll this is hard for me to admit to you guys but..... I well I have had 30 boyfriends in the past 3 months, oh! And I twerk for doctors!"

Drake put his face in his hands and ben just stated at her weirded out. Suddenly hands slammed down on the table. Drake and ben tensed up.

"I told you to stay the fuck away from her!!!" That voice was familiar. I looked up and saw zack.

"I didn't do anything zack!"

"Nothing huh? I smell you on her!!!" Drake stood up, he towarded over zack by about 5 inches.

"Okay so maybe I did! But she's mine now! And you can't do anything about it!! It's code!!"

"Who said I listen to code?!" With that they stumbled out onto the floor fighting. I stumbled after them screaming at them to stop. They didn't listen. I felt very dizzy I was hallucinating. Drake and zack had wings, not white wings but black wings. That's when I blacked out.

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