Chapter 29

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Anna's P.O.V

It was officially summer brake. It had also been 2 weeks since prom night. The one that Ben and Izzy continually teased Drake and me about. But nonetheless it was still an amazing night. None that we'd be forgetting anytime soon.

Izzy and Ben had gone on some kind of two day road trip and my parents were out at some type of lunch in for my fathers business. So that left me and Drake.

Currently we were both in my room, Drake laying down on my bed as I stuffed various things into boxes. Why not pack now; that why you don't have to rush at the very end of summer to make sure everything ready for college.

"Are you gonna stand there an pack all day?" Drake groaned, tossing a pillow in my direction.

"No, just a couple more things. I promise.. And stop messing up my bed!" I scolded him tossing the pillow right back.

Drake responded with an eye roll, letting his head flip back against the pillows. After shoving a few more books into the box I taped it shut and lifted it from my desk, placing it on the side of my room. "There, I finished. Now what do you want to do?" Raising my eyebrow as I walked to stand beside my bed.

Drake grabbed my arm and pulled my on top of him, a smirk on his face. "Well... I have a bunch of things in mind.." His lips grazed my jaw before I lightly punched him in the arm. Sitting up I moved next to him.

"Not right now... Let's go out and do something fun! Like get some lunch, or go to the mall. Or you can teach me how to ride your motorcycle..." I smiled and poked his arm repeatedly until he sat up as well.

"No way in hell will I teach you how to ride it-"

"Why not?"

"It's dangerous!"

"I'm dating you, isn't that the same thing?" Drake visibly tensed up before shaking his head, Laughing.

"Not really. I'll take you for a lunch... And to the stores. But that's it. Okay?" Finally I nodded, hopping off the bed and slipping some sandals on. Putting my phone in my back pocket as I checked my look in the mirror. Hollister jean shorts, and a white tank crop top that says 'Wild' across the front in black letters.

"Come on, you look fine let's go.." Something in drakes voice made me look at him for a while before I finally complied. Grabbing his hand and pulling him downstairs and out of the house.

Before I knew it, we had already went through about 10 stores. Me only buying a new phone case and a 5sos shirt from hot topic. The drive to the restaurant was eerily silent. Reaching over I turned on the radio, switching channels repeatedly before I finally settled on a green day song.

"Wake me up when September ends-" Drake clicked the radio off and veered the car off to the side of the road. Gasping I grabbed onto the seat and closed my eyes until the car came to a complete stop. It wasn't until then that I realized we were in front of my house. "Drake! What the hell was that for?!" Taking a deep breath I turned to face him.

Drakes hands were tight on steering wheel, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. His gaze was fixated ahead, as his body visibly shook with ragged breaths.


"Shut up! Okay! Please..." He tore his gaze from the street, looking to his lap then to me. However I couldn't help but feel the pang of hurt in my chest as he yelled. Blinking I quickly looked to my lap, biting my lip to keep my mouth shut. "Thank you.. Anna- we, I need to tell you something"

"What..." My voice a meer whisper, my gaze stuck on my lap. But soon it was teared away as Drake yelled at me to look at him while he was talking.

"This... Isn't working. We can't-" he squeezed his eyes shut and placed his head back against the seat before continuing, glancing at me as he finished. "We can't be together anymore.."

Instantly I felt my heart drop, taking a deep breath and blinking my eyes rapidly to stop the oncoming tears. "What- what do you mean?! Why can't we-"

"We just can't..."

"But what Drake?! What did I do I gave you everything and-" everything was coming out in a rush. I felt my heart beating rapidly and my chest tightening, and the tears.. Beginning to well up in my eyes.

"Because! I DONT LOVE YOU ANYMORE!" And just like that. I felt all the air being knocked out of me. Without thinking, I lifted my hand and slapped Drake right across the cheek.

Struggling with the door handle I finally managed to open it, running from drakes cars and into my house. Tossing my keys on the table and running up to my room.

Drakes P.O.V

"Because! I DONT LOVE YOU ANYMORE!" As soon as the words left my lips I knew it was over. But it had to be done. It's just had to be. But it still felt like a knife in the chest.

"A-" before I could even say her name her hand connected with my cheek. Now of course I've been slapped before. Many times.. But this time. This time was different. It was like the knife was in my chest and being twisted. And I could do nothing about that.

The burning sensation was the only thing letting me know that I was... Alive? No not even. Because technically I wasn't. I was dead, a dead guy who couldn't even make it as an angel.

Letting out a scream I punched the steering wheel until my hand was throbbing. Hitting the gas I let the anger drive me, drive me right out of Anna's small town to god knows were.

Gritting my teeth I swerved around cars, trying avoid anything in my path. But soon.. Soon I gave up. Closing my eyes, I turned the wheel sharply to the left. I braced for impact, ready for the blow of the airbag. But It didn't come. Instead I felt the breath leave my body. My eyes snapping open only to be blinded by a brilliant white light.

I screamed failing my arms around trying to feel for some sort of hint as to where I am.

"Oh calm yourself child! It'll wear off in a second" blinking rapidly and holding my head I stilled my movements. The light became less blinding and I could control my breathing. Instantly I recognized where I was at. Swallowing I pushed myself up from the ground, staring at the angel.

"Why- why am I here?"

"Oh Drake.. You did what we asked. But we don't trust you. So my, supervisor asked me to bring you up here. And rightfully so seeing as you just tried to- well, drive off the road" the angel seemed disgusted for a moment before blinking and going back to the same 'kind' smile it had when I first woke up. "Now come on... Before you see something you're not supposed to" the angel gestured for me to move forward, then moved me into a room with a white Bed and a single mirror.

"Wait! No- you can't keep me in here!" I kicked against the door but even with abilities I have I couldn't get it open. Pressing my ear against the cold wood I tried to listen for any passerby that might be coming to let me go. But all I heard was a voice.

"Get a guardian angel down there right now. And make sure she doesn't do anything rash"

What have I done?

A/N: wow I can't believe that I am almost done with this book. I've put so much work into it and it just makes me so happy to see that people are actually enjoying it! But I'll save the big gushy note for the very last chapter.
But I have a question;
Does anyone want to make a trailer for this book and put it on youtube? I'll literally love you forever and you'll get like- a mention in another book that I'm writing and ya!
Make sure to comment, follow and vote!

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