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The sad thing with promises is that typically they never last, no matter how much you try. Something, or someone will always destroy it. For me? Well... I'm not sure what it was as they never disclosed the information on what killed Zach. But something took him from us, breaking his promise to come back. Ands that's what brings us to where we are now.

The rain hadn't stopped for two days, and if I didn't know any better id say 'The Angels' were crying for us. For the loss. But I knew they weren't; angels or at least the angle I once knew, didn't care for anyone.

I listened to the uneven beat of the rain against the black umbrellas. Staring at the wooden coffin that was being placed down on a stand by who I assumed was Zach's fellow military members. An American flag draped over it.

Swallowing I blinked rapidly, trying to keep the tears from falling as they all saluted, pulling the flag tight before beginning to fold it into the triangular shape. Then handing it over to Zach's parents who begin to sob even more.

Before the the rifle party began they had a few select people come up and say a few words about Zach.

"Now, a few words from Zach's best friend... Anna Johnson" looking up and through the rain, I stared at the podium. Was I really prepared to do this? According to Dr.Jenkins no I was not. But screw him. I've never listened to him anyway.

A man I did not recognize came over, taking my arm and helping me up towards the small stand. Making sure I did not slip, and holding the umbrella over me as I got situated. Through the curtain of rain I could make out the first couple rows of people.

My father and mother, Zach's parents, Izzy's and her family and bens as well. A few people who I recognized from our old middle school, Zach's extended family and a few friends of his that I met during a football game.

"Hello everyone, uh.." Taking a shaky breath I used the podium to steady myself, using the back of my hand to wipe a few stray tears. "As you know, or as they just told you I guess, I was really close to Zach. He uh... Oh god. Okay. I'm not good at speeches nor have I ever had to speak a eulogy for someone. But, Zach was great at speeches great at comforting people. He was great at many things. And I'm pretty sure if he was here he would be laughing at me but, also managing to tell me through laughs that he knows I could do it.. That was great thing about him. He never gave up on anyone, he refused. Especially me. And I'm so grateful for that. He knew how to be crazy and fun but also serious. He could've done anything with his future and he choose to join the military. To defend our country. And that- in itself was the most noble thing anyone could've ever done. Right before he had taken off he told me the reasons why he joined. He said, for my family, my friend, you and everyone who needs help. Because there's no greater gift than a man to lay down his life for love. But- there's so much more I could say about him, so many memories that I could tell. But the truth is, I'm scared. Scared that if I share them they'll leave me. And I need them. Just as you need your memories. Because right now my best friend is in that casket... And I never got to say a proper goodbye..."

That's when I lost it, falling to my knees and calling for Zach. Though I knew he couldn't hear me, he never would. The same man who had walked me up quickly looked his arm around me. Still holding the umbrella as I walked back down. Zach's mother quickly wrapping her arms around my body as both of ours shook with sobs. "That was beautiful sweetheart... He would've been proud of you" sniffling I nodded, holding onto her for a few more moments. Pulling away as the rifle party moved into formation.

The rifle party consisted of six men dressed in uniforms; each shooting off three blank cartridges. After that, the rest of the ceremony was a blur. But as they lowered his casket into the ground I knew that my best friend was gone... Forever

The ride home had been silent and now I was sitting in my room on the ground. My wet hair was clinging to my face but I didn't feel anything. Though I sat there and prayed to god that he would let me feel something. But it was numb. Everything was numb.

Even as I stared at Zach's photo and dog tags that his parents had kindly given me I couldn't feel a thing. Everything, had been taken from me. It wasn't fair.

Letting out a scream I fell onto my side, curling my knees to my chest and pulling at my hair. In a matter of seconds my parents were in my room. A day after we had heard the news of Zach's passing they had removed my bedroom lock and my bathroom lock. They were scared of what I may do. So was I. However as I lay In my dad's arms sobbing, and trying to get free I finally felt it.

I felt the pain crushing me, and eating me alive. And nothing was ever gonna be the same.

For I had lost many things. The innocence of childhood, the man I loved and one of my best friends. But those consequences I guess.

Of Falling for the Fallen...

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