Chapter 15

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??? 's P.O.V

"She knows to much" hissed the voice

"We warned him" said another as their hands ran over the glass orb. Examining the current situation

"Time for what we do best...."

Drakes P.O.V

"Fuck off zack it's none of your god damn business!"

"Yes it is!! You marked her!! Don't you realize how much danger that puts her in?!"

Slowly I rubbed the bridge of my nose, attempting to release the pressure that was built up inside my head.

Of course I knew how much danger that put her in. Now, of course when marking her I wasn't thinking straight.

And no I'm not a werewolf; though marking is something they do.

Fallen angels do it In a different way. We bite the person of our choices lip. Or just somewhere along their body.

There is a rule though. Fallen angels must be with fallen angels, no human contact in any sexual sort of way. Which is kinda hard when your a high schooler.

"Yes I know.... But--"

"But what?! You just wanted her for your own selfish reasons! She's not just a girl you can brake the connection with after a one night stand or whatever the hell it is you do. She's not a toy drake, and if you hurt her, I will gladly help the council rip your head off"

Zack was in my face and we were eye to eye. He was one of the only people who matched my height and physical stance.

"I would never hurt Anna..."

"That's what you said about the last girl, and where is she now? The third row in, 6ft under"

The door creaked shut.

Leaving a eerie silence hanging in the room.

Ben, izzy and Anna were upstairs. Probably watching a movie, something where they can turn up the volume to drown out the screaming.

Everything was crashing down on me. I wanted Anna more than anything. To the point where I put her in danger.

'Humans are disgusting people, they don't deserve to be a part of ssociety!' A voice in the back of my head hisses.

I'll get a drink, a beer from the bar should calm my nerves. Just me, myself and I.


A/N: sorry for this being like a really short chapter but I've been having writers block and stuff. But I hope you like it and I hope I get to update soon.


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