Chapter 25

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Anna's P.O.V

As expected the next couple days were tough. I kept picking up my phone and dialing Zach's cell number, expecting him to answer. But it always went to voicemail and his voice always made my chest tighten. Because well... I missed him. He was my best friend. It had gotten to the point where I turned off my phone and put it under a pile of clothes so I wouldn't be tempted to look through old photos or send messages that wouldn't be answered. Which in turn pissed Drake off...

Drake was a terrible and mean person. But that was only one side of him. The side I had gotten to know and love was a sweet and crazy guy. Someone who knew exactly what to say when he screwed things up. But he also was a very possessive person. So maybe not calling to cancel or tell him I'm not going to school the next day would have been a smart idea.

As I laid on my bed, in leggings and a t-shirt from school, I sang along to the music coming from the speakers of my laptop. 'Crazy train' by ozzy was on, one of the many great rock and roll songs my father had raised me on.

A knock sounded at the door and I tried to block it out but it only continued and at one point grew louder. "I'm coming!!!"

Jumping up from my bed I dragged myself down the stairs, you think my parents would have told me they left for the day, right? As soon as the door was open Drake burst through, storming past me and up to my room.

"Why the hell didn't you show up?! You said you'd be there!!" He shouted on his way up. Oh god, I hope my room was clean. "Who's here?! Who were you with Anna!"

"No one! Drake stop it and calm down!"

"How can I calm down when you lied?!" He whirled around to face me, his eyes were wide and his hair stuck in all directions. Red rimmed his eyes; Which could mean three things but I liked to go with the sleep deprived option.

"I didn't lie I- no no I don't need to explain myself. I was simply out Drake you're over reacting"

"Overreacting? Oh my god, you're such a hypocrite Anna! I'm making sure you're okay!" We stared at each other with narrowed eyes, Arms crossed over our chests.

Drake was the first to brake the stare off, running a hand through his hair he turned around. Pulling open my curtains and than pulling them shut. "let me try this again... Anna, you didn't answer your phone. So I thought something happened. Is that better for you?"

"I guess" with a roll of the eyes I sat myself back onto my bed, grabbing the phone Drake had found and tossed at me.

"First, hide it better next time. Second you'll definitely be there tomorrow right? because tomorrow's graduation and prom. Speaking of prom izzy and Ben left it up to us to choose a set list... So, I wrote some songs that I don't know, sounded cool." Drake dug a rumpled piece of paper from his pocket. Unfolding it and attempting to smooth it out before handing it over. The songs he had chosen were definitely good, it truly surprised me.

So for a while we discussed what we'd actually be doing an how It would be executed. Nothing exciting or extreme. At least until the last song.

"No, your the low and I'm the high! Drake you're being so difficult"

"I'm not being difficult you're just being a control freak" he pointed out, while making a face.

"Don't call me a control freak, let's just- take a break for now we've been at this since 10 and it's 5 now." I stood up from the bed and ran a hand through my hair. Walking over to my vanity and leaning against it. Taking a few shaky breaths before glancing at myself in the mirror.

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