Chapter 19

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Anna's P.O.V

Unlike the movies make it seem, passing out isn't graceful. Period. And it won't help you get the guy you've always dreamed of. Nor will he magically appear and catch you in his arms.

In fact, he won't even be there. You'll hit the floor with a thud and won't remember much after that. Maybe bits and pieces. Or what your mind chooses to remember.

There's a particle in your brain specifically designed to make you forget what your mind deems unimportant. Without this, you would go insane. It was inevitable. Just like oblivion.

"Anna.... Darling?"

"Wait- wait... She's waking up"

Three familiar voices spoke as I started to wake up. A sleepy smile somehow managed to cross my face as my vision cleared.

My two extremely worried parents held each other while nervously staring at me. And my best friend Zach, sat on the edge of the bed. Causing a dip in the mattress.

"What the f-" I rubbed my eyes and finally came to terms with what happened. But why it happened I wasn't sure. "I mean- what in the world happened?"

"You fainted... I think you need some water" Zach placed the back of his hand to my head as my parents basically tripped over each other in attempt to get a measly glass of water that I didn't really need.

Frowning I swatted his hand away. My eyes narrowing causing him to inch away. Personally, never had I liked when people touched me or felt my head to see if I was sick. First of all, you never knew where their hands were. Second, it was just weird.

"Anna... Chill okay? You don't have a fever. But someone was definitely in your mind.."

"What do you mean? Someone was in my mind.." I air quoted and stood up. Feeling the instant rush, grabbing onto Zach's shoulder for support. Images flashed through my mind. Ones I could quite place, "if this is some more of your weird fallen angel voodoo shit, I'm done.. I don't want anything else to do with this..."

Zach rolled his eyes and stood up, causing me to walk to the other side of my room. The distance between us seemed to be a safe one.

A unsettling feeling had entered the atmosphere and was beginning to make me nervous. I rubbed my hands onto my jean shorts as Zach waited for me to meet his eyes.

Finally I forced myself to look at him, his eyes boring Into mine. As if he was searching for something lost. His expression twisted into something else. The same face he made right before he had kissed me a few days ago. But as quick as it arrived it was gone. Zach shook his head and walked to the window. Moving the light blue curtains so he could peer down at the street below.

"Where's Drake?"

"Excuse me?"

"Where's Drake? He's always around here somewhere"

I shook my head and crossed my arms over my self.

"Not here... He pissed Ben off and Ben kicked him out of the car"

"Ahh.. Sounds like Drake"

I didn't bother to argue with Zach because he was probably right. Drake was probably just in a mood and would be over it by tomorrow when I saw him in school.

"Anna, back to what I said before. Someone was in your mind. It doesn't say for sure who it was. They didn't leave any clues behind. But they seemed to be searching the memory archive.."

"For what?! I don't know anything of importance really un-"

Soon the thunder of footsteps signaled someone was on their way upstairs.

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