Chapter 24

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Anna's P.O.V

The ceremony was short and sweet, the man who spoke, spoke of the things and the men's service. The feet good that these men and women were doing for our country. He wasn't trying to sell war to us, no it was too ugly for that. After the small speech the men saluted the flag as a women sang the anthem.

"Okay guys, grab your bags and say your goodbyes.. Take off in 10"

Everyone dispersed and almost instantly the crying began. Cringing I looked away and tried waited for Zach to come over.

His eyes seemed glazed but as soon as he blinked, that faraway look disappeared. Zach's pace quickened as he dropped his bag. Going past me, to his parents. Pulling them into the tight hug that I've seen so many times. Though I couldn't hear, I assumed his was whispering words of reassurance to his parents. His moms body was shaking and they stayed like that for a while. Though I didn't mind. They were his family.

"Anna Bannana?" I stopped fiddling with my dress as Zach spoke. He stood a foot away from me his hands at his side. Taking a shaky breath I closed the space between us and threw my arms around him. Which he instantly did the same. "Don't cry.."


"Don't cry.."

"I'm not..." Tears were in my eyes.

"I'll be back soon okay? I promise... I'll come back and we'll- I don't know. We'll have a sleep over and sneak ice cream from the fridge... And it will be just like normal"

A strangled sob left my lips as he spoke, which only caused him to pull me closer to him. "I don't want you to go... You can't go.."

"Anna- I have to.. I signed up for this.." Zach loosened his grip and glanced down, his hand cupping my cheek.

"You'll call right?"

"Ya.." Zach licked his bottom lip and nodded. A almost sad smile on his face. "Hey... Hey look at me.." He used his pointer finger to lift my chin up. "This isn't goodbye forever... No, it's just... A see ya later.."

"See you later..." Taking a deep breath, using the back of my hand to wipe the fallen tears. Turning to walk away to join his parents. But he wasn't having that. Not yet. Zach grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"Not so fast Anna... I- I still have things to say you and you need to listen and no interruptions... Please just, you need to know this.." He took a deep breath and stared into my eyes. Like the time he had first kissed me. Meeting his gaze signaling him he could talk. "Okay... Uh- Anna I couldn't say this to my parents because I didn't quite know how. But for some reason, I know the reason, I can tell you an know you'll understand even if you do think I'm a complete idiot. But the reason I did this... Is for you. And my parents and our friends.. I thought- I thought about the future and my possible family... And I want this world to be safe. As safe as possible, our freedoms and rights to choose and do as we please.. And I know, or I thought I made the biggest mistake in my life when I saw my moms reaction but than thinking about it I realized this was the best decision.. There's no greater gift than man to lay down his life for love.. And that's you... You're my love no matter what you say. Even if you don't feel back that way- and don't say that I'll find someone better because I won't. The only person I want is you and I know that's just a shout into the oblivion because- you want him.." He swallowed visibly struggling to go on which brought tears to my eyes yet again.

"Zach, please-"

"No! I'm not done! You were the final decision for me... If you were across the world, or- I don't know in trouble, id go to the ends of the earth to save you Anna. It sounds pathetic and Corny as shit but it's true. And you and I, and everyone who pays attention knows! Id take a bullet for you Anna! I love you..."

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