Chapter 26

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Anna's P.O.V


The moment every high school girl dreams of. And the one that every high school guy dreads.

High School Musical 3 being the perfect example; Izzy and I had spent the entire 'graduation' lunch watching it on our living room tv while our parents ate In the kitchen. They had decided that would be a safer option if things took a turn for the worse. Which they always happen to do with my dad and her mom. My mom and her dad will sit and talk calmly about whatever while the others find the smallest thing to pick at; it's quite entertaining.

But I couldn't stay around and enjoy it, instead Izzy and I ran around like lunatics attempting to get everything done before the time came when Drake and Ben came to pick us up.

Our hair appointments went well and so did the makeup appointment. Currently we stood in front of the floor length mirror, our dressers on hangers while we held them up to us. Mine was red with on strap that was decorated with multicolored sequence. It hugged the top of my body and flowed out around my waist. A slit begun mid thigh and went all the way down. I was truly surprised my dad let me purchase it.

Izzy's was a light pink and stopped completely in the middle of her thighs. One black strap that was made to look like black flowers held it up; the black flower design continued down the side and along the waist. Adding that little bit of 'Flare' that she needed.

"Time goes by so quickly..." I blinked and looked towards izzy who held her dress to her.

"It does, this is our last day in this school.. Now it's- college" swallowing I looked down at my painted toe nails. As exciting as it was, I would miss my parents and my friends.

"Well we can still visit- and, Drake will be with you.." Izzy turned around as placed her dress on the bed, carefully unzipping it and preparing to put it on.

"I don't know about that, he'll be at his own college and I'm sure he'll meet some other girls"

I could practically hear Izzy role her eyes as she stood up straight. "Are you kidding me? Do you see the way he looks at you?! Obviously not! But girl, he'll stay with you. Trust me. Who else and what else would put up with his shit?" With one last smile izzy went into my bathroom to get dressed and apply last minute touches.

Sighing I got myself dressed and did the same. Once pleased I pulled on my heels and made sure I wouldn't fall flat on my face while moving. After all I needed to make sure I was mobile enough for tonight's performance.

After a little more heart to heart, there was finally ring at the door.

Drakes P.O.V

This was stupid. Why did I even agree to this? This tie is too tight, the suit is uncomfortable and these shoes just don't feel right.

"Shut up Drake I can barely hear my self think" Ben snapped while he checked his reflection in the window which allowed us to see out but no one to see in.

I narrowed my eyes at the trivial human statement, because for us it was dead serious. I heard his thoughts and he heard mine and sometimes that just wasn't good.

"Oh shut up the fuck up, I'm sure you're just as anxious as I am!" I unclenched my hands and rubbed them against my dress pants.

"Nah man, I get to take the girl of my dreams out for the night of her life. I mean of course I'm anxious about making it close to perfect but I'm pretty chill" Ben shrugged and leaned back against the seat, earning yet another glare from me. This time I added a annoyed grunt before leaning forward with my face in my hands.

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