Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Ow...." I rolled over on my side and buried my face in the pillow. My eyes snapped open as the scent of cologne filled my nose. I sat up wincing as my head pounded. The bed was a king size and the sheets were a dark blue color with a silky feel to them. The curtains were drawn but I could tell it was morning but the way the room was lit up.

"Anna?" I turned my head and saw drake in the door frame. I don't why but just the sight of him made me smile.

"Hey drake, uh where am I?"

"Your in my bedroom..." My eyes widened

"What?! What happened?! Is your brother here?!" I started to hyperventilate and shake. Drake rushed over to me and wrapped his strong arms around me. He smoothed my hair and pulled me into his lap.

"Hey, no need to worry... Nothing happened last night, I wouldn't do that to you, you were drunk. And no my brothers not here don't worry. Ben and izzy are downstairs keeping guard. Don't be scared, I won't let anyone hurt you" after a while I calmed down. The entire time he just hugged me and said nothing. He understood I wanted to relax my way.

"W where's zack?"


"Zack h he was there last night, you guys were fighting..."

"Anna, you should rest I think you hit your head when you fell.."

"I know what I saw drake! I also saw something else..." a look of hatred and disappointment appeared on his face.

"And what was that?"

"Uh y you and zack had wings, like a angel but they were black..." And like that! He snapped.

"That idiot!" He punched the head board behind me just missing me. I screamed and ducked out of the way. Drakes face was red with anger and his hands were clenched in fists. I was scared. Ben ran into the room and saw what happened he tackled drake. Izzy rushed in and pulled me out of the room.


Ben tackled me to the ground my head slamming onto the floor. But it didn't hurt. I shoved him of and stood up running my hand threw my hair.

"Dude you need to relax....." Ben said

"Relax?! How can I relax! Zack showed her! He showed her what we are!!" I screamed back and punched something else. Ben grabbed my hands and pushed me into the wall using all his strength. I went through the wall and landed in the yard. My eyes flashed black as I jumped back into the room. Ben tackled me again before I had a chance. I threw him off me and across the room he hit the dresser shattering it to pieces

~5 mins later~

Lets just say it would be hard to cover this one up. It looks like a twister passed through my room. And there was a hole in my floor that led to the kitchen. Ben was leaning against the counter blood dripping from the cut across his forehead. I was resting my head on the cabinets ignoring the stinging feeling that came from the cut across my eye.

" how am I going to explain this to anna?"

"Just tell her the truth maybe?" I shake my head

"The truth will scare her....."

"Drake?!" My head snapped towards the entryway of the kitchen. Anna was standing there with a scared look on her face


A loud crashing noise came from the kitchen. I jumped out off the couch and ran into the kitchen. Izzy tried stoping me but I was too fast.

"Drake?!" He looked up at me and parted his lips to speak but nothing came out. After a few minutes of silence he finally spoke up.

"Anna, I need to tell you something, something very important. Come here...." I was scared, but I didn't want to be. It was a weird feeling. I sat down when I got to him.

"What is it?"

"Did you feel that?"

"Huh?" Drake reaches up and tapped the side of my head

"Your brain, telling you to be scared, even though you didn't want to be. No matter how hard you tried. You were still scared."

"H how..." Drake sighs and folded his hands into his lap.

"I'm not human"

"T then what are you?"

"I'm a fallen angel..."

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