Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


I was sitting on my bed with my phone. I had a hour before we had to go to the show. I dialed zacks number, it we to straight to voicemail.

"Oh hey well I guess your busy or something but my show is tonight. And well I was hoping you could come! Oh and it's at my school." I really hope he could make it.

"HONEY?! It's time to go!" My mom and dad shouted.

"Okay..." I did a once over in the mirror. My dress was a simple black number. It's was strapless and stopped just above my knees. I wore a pair of black heels to match.


I was already at the school. Anna wasn't here yet but call time wasn't for another 10 minutes. Suddenly my body went rigid.

"What the fuck are you Doing here zack?!" I whipped around and stared him down.

"I'm here to support anna"

"Ya right, your only here to spy on me!"

"Okay you caught me, but lets get one thing clear Drake. Do not hurt her, do not touch her she's not one of your kind. And she dosent need to be!" Zack shoved me with his hands and walked away. My hand went into fists and felt like I wanted to punch something. I settled for the makeup table. My hands slammed down on it shattering it to pieces. Everyone turned and looked at me.

"What are you all staring at?! Turn around and mind your own damn business!!" A small hand came to rest on my shoulder.

"Drake?" I turned around and saw anna.

"Oh hey anna what's up?" I turned her around so she wouldn't see the table.

"Um we have to go on in 5."


"What happened to the table?" She tried to look at it but I blocked her view.

"Nothing!" Anna raised her eyebrow.

"Okay whatever, we have to go"


I grabbed drakes hand and pulled him towards the stage. He was wearing a black suit with a black hat. I took two mask from the prop table.

"What are those for?"

"They're for the performance" I put the black one on him and the silver on on me.


"Ya?" He leaned in real close and I could feel his breath on my neck. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Break a leg"

The lights dimmed and me and drake walked to get into our places.

(The songs is toxic by Britney Spears but its the glee version look it up on YouTube) The lights came up and the band started playing. Drake nodded at me and I started to sing.

Baby, can't you see

I'm calling

A guy like you should wear a warning

It's dangerous

I'm falling

There's no escape

I can't wait

I need a hit

Baby, give me it

You're dangerous

I'm loving it

Too high

Can't come down

Losin' my head

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