Chapter 17

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Quick shoutout to my friend Morgan ( @sunflower84 ) who says I helped inspired her to write a story of her own! It's called stranded so please go check it out for me. Plus I might be a 'guest writer' for a few chapters *wink*

Anna's P.O.V

God, it was the same bar that they had all dragged me to the other day. Yet the music seemed much louder and the bouncers much more- muscular.

I Pulled my jacket tight around my body, trapping my body heat. With every step I took my shoes crunched against the rocky ground. Making the walk even more maddening.

"Where are you 3 going?"

"Where do you think? inside!" Ben huffed and crossed his arms. Izzy stood beside him tapping her heel against the ground anxiously.

"You're going no where without ID!"

"Man, where just here to-"

"I don't give a flying fuck what you're here to do; you need ID!" The bouncer used his beefy hands to shove Ben back.

As soon as Ben hit the ground I saw the same dark look flash across his face. The one Drake had gotten during the whole kitchen fiasco. Nervously I bite my lip and stepped between them both.

"My friend and I got into a fight and he broke my wrist and we just- I would really like to talk to him and make sure he isn't doing something stupid..."

"Oh! In that case just go right ahead?" The bouncer stepped aside and smiled

"Really? Th-"

"Hell no! Now get out of my face before I call the cops..."

Giving him my worst glare I turned around and faced the others. Crossing my arms over my chest and letting go an exasperated sigh.

"Now what?"

Izzy shrugged and kicked at the pebbles and dirt. "We cant just leave him; but we also can't just walk in.."

Ben ran a hand through his hair and stared at the ground.

All of us were trying to conjure up an idea to get past the burly bouncer. But there were always tiny flaws. Ones easily overlooked by most.

izzy suddenly smirked and flattened her hair. Sashaying up to the bouncer she trailed her fingertips up and down his arm. She leaned up to his ear and whispered things. Beginning to slowly move him away from the door.

"Classic izzy..." Chuckling as I remembered all the incidents where's she done the same exact thing. Seduced the movie clerk to the ice cream scooper. Needless to say we get a lot for free. I could never pull that off.

Ben latched onto my arm, suppressing anger. With full force he pulled me in through the bar doors. He and izzy just got together; he had yet to learn.

"Ow, ow, ow! Ben!" Yanking from his grip I crossed my arms. I'm still new to this whole fallen angel thing but NO WAY, NO HOW, was I going to let them drag me around. This was my over dramatic side. I blame all my problems on my theater arts school.

So, if you ever see me huddled up in a corner and rocking back and forth. You know who to blame.

Back to the point. Ben just growled and stormed into the crowd. Resisting the urge to stick out my tongue like a third grader; I did the same. But of course the opposite direction.

"Drake! Drake! Drake?!" With each strained call the pounding in my chest became greater. Like in a horror movie; you know something's going to happen. But you don't know exactly when. The anticipation working you up.

Falling for the fallenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant