Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


The next day at school I avoided everyone including izzy. I didn't put my hair up like I usually do. I let it stay down to hide the hickey that drakes brother gave me. Today was also the last day before the performance, so me and that idiot of a partner drake have to rehearse. Speaking of drake here comes the devil himself.

"Hey baby--- I mean anna, I I'm really sorry about the other day and----"

"Drake, Parker, the devil whatever you call yourself--" drake raises a eyebrow.

"The devil? What did I do that makes you believe I'm the devil?"

"We'll you know you're just ugh!"

"I'm ugh?" He chuckles and I almost smile, "see! I almost got you to smile! I'm getting somewhere!"

"We have to rehearse now, come on let's go. We have free passes for the rest of the day since I'm a good student. I have the song, we are not changing it so if you don't like it oh well" I took drakes hand and lead him to the theater. By the look on his face I doubt he's ever stepped foot in here.


As soon as I stepped into the theater my mouth dropped open. It was big and huge and just wow! Annas voice broke my thoughts.

"Close your mouth drake before you catch flies" I smiled and laughed. Anna then ran up to the stage and started setting everything up. I slowly followed still examining the theater.

"So drake, I assumed you know how to play the guitar so I took the liberty of writing down the cords and everything just in case you want to play, or we can have the band for the class. Whatever one you want it's really your choice!"

"Ummm I don't like playing and singing at the same time....." I looked at my feet.

"Okay that's fine then we just have to learn the song."

She skipped down the steps to hand me the paper then ran back up. I sat on the bench and looked over the lyrics. Woah, Anna really know how to write songs.

"Anna? Question?"


"Did by any chance you write this song sorta about me?" She immediately blushed.

"Umm uh no maybe, well actually...." I set the paper down and stood up in front of her I was about a head taller than her so she had to look up at me.

"Because if you did, I find that really adorable. And for you to know what my lips taste like you would have to kiss me" I took her hands and spun her around in a circle.

"In your dreams Parker" she giggled. The dance moves my mom taught me when I was little came to mind. I smiled and started to dance with Anna. Totally forgetting about the song. About a hour later we finally stopped dancing. Anna had her arms around my neck and my hands were on her waist. This is the right moment, the perfect moment. I leaned in and so did she.


I was about to kiss drake when I snapped back to reality. This is drake we are talking about! His brother attempted to rape me, he's the residential bad boy and my parents would kill me. I pulled away. "Um drake we should get to work, the songs due tomorrow"

"Okay baby girl whatever you say" I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bench.

(3 hours later its now 6 at night)

"Yay we finally got our routine over with!"

"Ya..... Anna?"


"You know your friend izzy?"

"Ya? What about her?"

Oh no hear it comes. Drake likes izzy. He played me, I'm a nobody, I'm a loser. I shouldn't feel this way but I do. Drakes the total opposite of me, yet I feel drawn to him. He's a mystery that I want to figure out.

"We'll my friend likes her but he's a wimp and won't ask her out so I need your help to get her to go out with him" I smiled silently thanking god it didn't turn out like I thought it would.

"Sure, but you owe me!"

"Okay what?"

"Let's get ice cream!" I grabbed drakes hand and ran out of the theater with him but stopped when all I saw in the parking lot was a black motorycycle with one helmet.

"Oh no! I'm not getting I that death trap!!!" Drake smirked and handed me the helmet.

"Don't worry baby girl, you will be fine. Promise" he held out his hand to me. I shoved the helmet over my head and sat on the bike. Drake got on and started it I screamed and quickly wrapped my arms around drake. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt and I could feel his muscles through the thin fabric. I ignored the feeling that shot through me. His laugh startles me which made me hold on even tighter.

"And away we go!!!" I shut my eyes tight as we pulled away I felt the bike picking up speed.

"Slow down!! Your going to kill us!"

"Relax!" He shouted back. I decided to take his advice. This was actually amazing!! But I wasn't going to admit that to drake. I smiled to myself and enjoyed the rest of the ride, but still holding on tight to drake.

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