Chapter 23

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Anna's P.O.V

Sitting up in drakes lap I glanced over at izzy with a hopeful smile on my face. Drakes hands held onto my waist and a hush seemed to fall over the seniors who were standing anxiously in the halls.

Preforming at the senior banquet/ prom, whatever you wanted to call it, was a huge honor. Especially if it was your last year. Typically it would be a senior, but on some occasions it had been a junior or Sophmore.

The speaker crackled which only made the kids more anxious. The principle cleared his throat.

"This year-" he said, as if there was another thing, "there will be a group performance. Not exactly a band. But a group of select students that we have seen immense growth in. They came to his school either quiet and scared or outgoing and crazy. Either way, they grew into mature beings that we are proud to have followed throughout their highschool careers. Now- what you have all been waiting for...."

Students began a low cheer until it grew into a frenzy of noise. Kids hollered and stamped their feet. Teachers and lower class men had edged into the hallway, wanting to see the commotion.

"This years performers will be-"

Shuffling was heard behind the mic and all at once the chaos calmed. A pin could have been heard miles away.

"Izzy Tyler, Ben Osterman, Drake Parker, and Anna Johnson!"

Izzy's screams pierced the air as she ran over and yanked me up and out of drakes embrace. She was already doing a happy dance and soon it finally registered. A happy scream also left my lips. The boys wore wide smiled as they stood from the floor and brushed themselves off. It was obvious that they were trying not to make such a big deal out of it.

But oh- was it a big deal. Students turned once they realized we were right there. After a matter of seconds they clapped and cheered. Because here we learned that karma will come back and bite you if your rude to another actor, musician etc.

My head was spinning and my heart was pounding, this was actually happening. Senior year was falling into place just as I had imagined it. And before I could process what was happening my feet were carrying my body down the hall. Izzy and the guys soon followed after. We let out shouts of joy and cheers. The crowd of kids blurred as I ran down the long corridors. Only to be swooped up by strong arms.

A laugh left my lips as I clung onto Drake, my hair falling in my face a bit. He swallowed as his lips curled into a smile of his own. He smelled of mint and smoke and something else I couldn't quite place. My feet slowly found there way back to the ground and his hands cupped my cheeks.

And just as fast as the world had spun it stopped, at least for us.


"I love you..." Drakes lips pressed against mine as he held me close. It was an urgent and needy kiss just as much as passionate. The three words send my mind into a frenzy and sparks were shooting up my arms.

Ya it sounds corny but that's exactly how it felt and for me to describe it any other way would be a lie. But like always when great things happen something has to interrupt it.

"Get a room!" Ben shouted, followed by laughter from other students. We quickly pulled away, a smirk on drakes face and a blush on mine.

"You're just jealous!" Drake bantered back. I whacked Drakes arm and izzy grabbed Ben, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He was obviously surprised by the way he stumbled but he soon went along with it.

"EWWW" the crowd laughed and Drake draped his arm around my shoulder as we turned away and slowly molded into the crowd. Letting Izzy and Ben do their thing.

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