5. Struggle

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My fangs sunk into his flesh, causing fur to spread into my mouth. This was new for me, I had never bitten a werewolf like this. Yes, I did mark Hunter -against my will- but that doesn't count. And he was in his human form. What I was doing at that moment was more like I was feeding on him, taking all his energy out of his body.

And may I add how delicious his blood was! It was like the best thing you would ever taste. I slightly let my guard down as I was drinking his blood, the anger slowly left my body. I felt lightheaded and dizzy.

With a fast snap in his body, Hunter rolled us over and crushed me underneath him. I let go off his back and groaned in pain as I tried to escape him. When he felt my fangs leave his body, he turned around. Towering over me, he looked down at me with a hard glare. He was beyond angry. I glared back.

He growled at me and barked. I closed my eyes and whimpered as he continued with his barks that ringed in my ears. I wanted to put my hand over my ears but they were stuck under his massive paws, slightly crushing them. I was pinned to the ground, snow watering my clothes, by a massive wolf. An angry wolf. Not a day at my top 10-list. His fur brushed against my body, causing me to shiver by its softness.

"You need to show him submission." A deep voice said. "That's the only way to calm an angry Alpha down."

I turned my head to the side and looked after the owner of the voice. My eyes met the view of the male that had carried me to Hunter's car. Hunter's beta I think. I laughed at him and shook my head. I do not submit to anyone, especially not a werewolf. I didn't care which status they had, I wasn't some dog they could control.

"Keep dreaming pal." I snapped and tried to wiggle my arms away from underneath Hunter's paws.

Hunter was silent, no barks or growls. Just silence. But his glare was another thing though. It was sharper than daggers and more dangerous than poison. I gulped as I stared into his eyes. There was no turning back now, either I submit or he'll bite my head off if I kept challenging him. I bite my lip as I continued to stare in his eyes. He narrowed them and growled at me. Shivers run down my body as I closed my eyes.

"Submit." A voice in my head made me snap my eyes up.

That wasn't Hunter's voice but I'm pretty sure it was from him.

"Submit now." The voice growled.

I shook my head. No. I don't give up. Not in a fight with a werewolf. Never. Hunter growled at me as his head came closer to mine. I gulped and tried to squirm away. Not so successful. His canines scratched the skin on my neck and I whimpered in pain and lust. Blood slowly made its way over my skin as Hunter let go of my neck and barked at me again. This time he didn't stop his barking. It continued for almost five minutes until my sensitive ears couldn't bare it anymore.

With a defeated look in my eyes, I relaxed and let my body go limp as I let out a soft whimper while looking at the ground. The hate towards myself and him grew strong while I bite my lip so I wouldn't say something that would go against him and make him more angry at me. Hunter was still, studying me for a couple of seconds before he purred and put his nose at my neck. I froze as the pleasure exploded inside of me.

Please, don't mark me.

Hunter huffed in my ear as he let go off me, sending me a warning glare. I slowly and painfully stood up as I looked down in the whole process, still showing him my submission. I heard him shift back to his human form as he put some pants on. My gaze was on the ground as he walked closer, his breath sending puffs to my face.

"I like when you're being submissive." He purred, pulling me against his chest. "It satisfies me and my wolf."

I didn't opened my mouth and kept my gaze to the side, feeling disappointed with myself for not putting up a fight. His fingers brushed against my back as he froze when blood from my tank top stained them. In the speed of light he turned me around, gesturing to his beta to hold me. His beta grabbed my arms while Hunter examined my back. I hissed through gritted teeth as he dragged my tank top up a little and picked at the glass that stood out of my flesh. I felt blood flush down my body while he continued. My arms struggled against the beta's strong grib while the beta chuckled.

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