29. Closer

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Hunter had been in a good mood since he had left Verity that same morning. He hadn't been late for the meeting, to the others's surprise. Every since he had found her, he had been late to every meeting they had had. They had taken notice of his bruised neck and the slightly change in his behaviour but they knew better than to comment on it. The fact that he was happy was enough for them. 

He had taken a seat by the end of the table. Swirling in the office chair to stare out of the window with a dazed look on his face, he motioned for Dave to start the meeting. Dave had done so, immediately gracing the subject of the increased rouge intrusions. 

"They have increased with a startling ten per cent, ever since-"

"Ever since what, Dave?" Hunter had suddenly interrupted him, turning his head to glance over his shoulder. 

"Ever since your mate was brought here, Alpha," the Gamma had said respectfully. "It can be seen as your mate is somewhat linked to the increased rouge activities around the territory. However, there's no fact supporting that thesis, so don't worry." 

Hunter's mood had taken a new swing and he had been pissed at his subordinates. They had tried to calm him down, telling him that they didn't think Verity was actually responsible but just involved somehow. Hunter hadn't liked that, though he knew they had right to some point. He hadn't voiced his concern to Verity, but he had himself thought about the possibility that her presence had started it all. Though that other vampire was high on his list too. He had intended to sought him out once more to get some needed answers.

Now, he stood outside the cell that contained said vampire, with his Gamma Enrico by his side. The vampire spared them no glance from where he sat at the corner of his cell, eyes locked on the ceiling. Hunter glared at him, canines bared and fists clenched. As he took a step closer, a sweet (and all too familiar) scent enveloped him and he staggered for a second. Rage overtook his features and he growled at the back of his throat. 

"Take him to the chamber. I need to cool down so I don't kill the bastard right now," he ordered Enrico in the mind link as he stepped away. 

Enrico nodded, opening the cell door as he took a hold of the vampire and changed the chains to handcuffs. The vampire only snickered as he was led out of the cell towards a metal door around the corner. He knew what was coming and he didn't care. Werewolves were weak in his opinion and no one had ever been able to beat an answer out of him. 

When he was fully restrained with silver shackles to a chair, Hunter stepped inside the room. His eyes were deep and endless, a blackness so dark that it even made Amado break a bit of a sweat. Those piercing eyes settled on him and a sneer crossed Hunter's face. 

"I'm pissed right now, so how about we make this easy for both of us?" He cracked a knuckle. "You answer my questions and I don't have to refurnish your face. What ya' say?"

Amado tossed his head back, his hair falling behind him, and he smirked. "I don't talk to dogs."

But his voice failed him a bit, for this werewolf was a bit different than earlier. Perhaps because of the distinctive smell of Verity on him. Or the sudden sense of superiority he got from him. This Alpha had almost the same aura as the Vampire King.  

"Oh dear, I had hoped for the easy way. I would have been done sooner that way." Hunter walked towards a tray standing by the wall. "Oh well, we can't get lucky all the time, now can we?"

He had put some rubber gloves on before he picked up a small dagger, turning it in his hand as he faced Amado. In the corner of his eye, Amado noticed the silver dagger in the werewolf's hand. It did spark a tiny bit of fear in his dead heart. 

Hunter stood right next to him, leaning a bit over his shoulder. The dagger lightly traced Amado's neck and he clenched his jaw. It was strange for him to fear this mere dog, but he did feel a slight tremor when the dagger touched his skin. 

"Any second thoughts, bloodsucker?" 


He walked out into the night, hands in his pockets and eyebrows dipped in thought at what he had recently learnt from the vampire. A part of him didn't want to believe him, for it sounded so unreal. But another part told him to trust his guts and ask his mate about it. 

He had learned that his mate actually had paid the vampire a visit to threaten him and ask him about his business. Hunter had also found out that Verity knew about the increased rogue activities. How? He had no idea. 

A warning, or perhaps more like a threat, had also been given to him:Your pack will die if you don't let us have her.

The vampire's words echoed in his head. He had no idea who Verity was involved with, but he would be damned before he let her go. Now, he had decided to keep an eye on her every hour of the day - no matter what. If she even made the slightest plan of leaving him, he would know within seconds. 

As he closed the door to his house and locked it, her scent hit him with full force. Tension he didn't know he had disappeared and he felt himself let go of everything that had happened during the day. It was a bit scary, that her scent alone could affect him so much. Take away his worries with only one sniff. However, it was also calming to know that no matter what, she would be there to ease his anger and frustration.

He climbed the stairs, his wolf eager to see their mate after a whole day apart. Her scent grew and grew as he neared her room. But to his surprise, she wasn't there. Instead, her scent came from his room. His eyebrows dipped and he walked to his door, leaning his upper body inside. 

She sat on the bench by the window in the dark, hollow eyes staring at the forest surrounding the house. When he stepped into his room, she only showed some indication on noticing him by turning her head the slightest in his direction. He froze when she spoke up.

"You reek of blood."

He chuckled. "You make it sound like it's a bad thing. I thought you liked blood?"

Her eyes turned a bit glossy. "Not a vampire's."

"Why are you in my room?" He changed the subject, sensing the discomfort coming from his mate. 

She sighed and buried her head in her arms, her cheeks flaming red. "I just- I just missed you. It's hard to explain. Your scent cal-calms -" she cleared her throat, mutttering under her breath -"your scent calms me down."

Hunter smiled at her tiny stutter and stepped towards her as he opened his arms in an open embrace. "Come here, baby. Give your mate a hug and everything will feel better."

He thought she would hiss at him and throw a punch, but he was surprised to see that she did the opposite. She rushed to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him for dear life. Her head found its way to the crook of his neck and she rested it there, sighing in content. At first, Hunter didn't know what to do, too surprised by her action. But when his wolf howled at him to do something, to react, he stiffly wrapped his arms around her and pressed her closer to his body. He breathed in her scent and relaxed. She hugged him harder, her bottom lip trembling against his skin. 

"I missed you too, baby. I missed you so much."

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