25. Please, Hunter

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I couldn't stand it.

Everything burned. Whatever I touched made flames dance over my skin. It was intense. It was hot. And it was unbearable. It felt like silver danced over my body, like I was dying. I had never experienced such pain before.

I couldn't do it.

Please, Hunter, end it. 

My body cried out for him, begging him to end it all. I knew he wasn't near. I knew he couldn't hear me. And I knew he would never be able to access the bedroom. But that didn't stop me from trying. I needed him to end this - I couldn't take it anymore. 

It was day three of our heat and nothing had faded as one of the pack doctors had consoled me with. If anything, it seemed to increase in strength. Even drinking blood became hard. It was if the heat was punishing me for not seeking up my mate to ease the pain. 

I couldn't do it. 

I need you, Hunter. Please.

Tears rolled down my cheek as a wave embraced me, pulling me into its warm, scorching cocoon. They were hotter and lasted longer now. I cannot describe the burning pain they provided. To make things worser, the heat made me horny and at this point, I could do it with anyone. If Celeste hadn't locked the door every time she left my room, I would have let one of the guards mate with me. My body had wished for Hunter during the early stages. Now it just wanted anybody.

A cry left my chapped lips. It hurt so madly. I was so sensitive for anything. I mean, a goddamn whisper of a wind sent me into a hysteric mess. Everything that made contact with my skin made my knees wobble. 

I couldn't do it.

Oh fuck. Hunter!

I wriggled around on the bed, cursing the duvets for making my skin burn. Another cry escaped my mouth and I gasped for air. This was so strange, so weird - this was everything I wasn't. Firstly, I was warm. Secondly, I couldn't drink properly. And thirdly, I was gasping for air. Heat was changing me and I didn't like it one bit. It made me feel weak, and that I hated. 

My nails ripped the sheets, tearing holes in them during my frantic fit. I couldn't control my body anymore. My fangs and nails seemed to have their own lives, they grew and withdrew every fifth minute. It hurt so bad. I curled up into a ball, my eyes clenched shut. The heat spread over my body, causing me to sweat. I clutched my stomach, crying into the pillow. 

I just couldn't do it.

Damn it, Hunter! I'll go to one of the guards if you don't help me, I cursed in my head. The fact that he was locked up, I took no consideration to in this condition. I knew he had to be the same mess as me - hurting and desiring to be with his mate, a.k.a me. Plus, he had a wolf that I guessed tried to make him come to me. 

I tried to crawl out of the bed, trying to reach the door. The heat made my body ache at every move and getting up was a battle itself. I tumbled out of the bed, hitting the floor with a loud thud. A groan left my mouth. After sniffing the air, I concluded that Celeste had gone home for tonight. No one else was in the house, I was all alone. Though, I could smell Ray and Mike outside the house. I hesitated. Did I really want one of them to take the heat away from me? I thought about it, but as another wave crushed me, I made up my mind. Eh, if they wanted to, I would let them. I could do anything to get rid of this pain.

Suddenly, the world around me was awake. Growls and snarls could be heard from the outside. My ears picked up the sound, but it sounded so far away, so distant. The heat hammered in my ears, dulling my otherwise supreme hearing. Slowly, millimetre per millimetre, I crawled my way to the door.

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