11. Sweet Heaven

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I chewed on the meat while staring at the wall, my thoughts running wild in my mind while I patiently waited for the clock to move. The storm within me raged on when I thought about those stupid ass kids and what they did to Tristan.

One minute left.

I stared at the clock, not blinking, while I tapped my fingers on the table.


I jumped when his voice came from behind me. 

"Yes?" I didn't turn around.

"I have spoken with the Elders. We shall discuss the topic within a week," he said, his hand gently grabbing my shoulder.

"A week?" I snarled and turned around, glaring up at him. "You are not going to do anything?"

He gave me an unimpressed look as his hold tightened. "Yes, a week."

"You're unbelievable!" I hissed out in anger as I freed myself from his grip.

Anger took the better judgement from me as I slammed my fist into the wall, punching a hole in it. My eyes were blazing over in anger, shifting between red and green. How could he let those nasty tiny versions of a werewolf continue to hurt Tristan? Cares about his pack, my ass!

"I came to you to ask you - to beg you - to take action, as an Alpha. You just proved to me that you suck as one." I glared at him, baring my fangs. "You're supposed to be a leader; a guider, and help your people. Instead, you do this? Discard a young boy's cries for help as others pester him with beatings to no end? You're no leader, Hunter, you're an asshole. And if you won't do anything about those awful kids, then I will." 

I left the room before he could react on the words I had spoken. I knew once he had registered the things I spat out, he would not be happy with me. And I was not in the mood of another fist fight against him and his wolf. I had better things to do, like kicking some kids's asses. 

"Verity!" He shouted after me and jogged to catch up with me.

He grabbed my hand and I tore it out his hold the moment his skin came in contact with mine.

"You are not going to hurt those kids."

"I'm not going to hurt those little pieces of shit. You think I want to touch those disgusting shits?" I shook my head, a small snicker playing on my lips. "I'm just going to talk to them. You can come if you don't believe me."

He sighed but let me have my way, for once, and followed me. I walked on, slamming my feet on the ground while I sniffed the air. The little shits's scents nestled in my nose and I hissed. But, to my luck, they were all together. In the centre of the village was a playground, quite big. And there they were, talking among each other.

I silently walked over to them, looming over them like a dark cloud. It took some time for them to notice me, but when they did, their conversation went flat dead. I grinned at them, my fangs flashing in the sunlight. Their eyes widened in fear and they huddled together, growling softly. Upon seeing Hunter, their fear faded a bit. But when they understood who I was, my mark on full display on his neck, they sort of sunk. 

"Hello, darlings," I sang out. "Remember me?"

They nodded.

"Great, I hate to introduce myself twice." I laughed a bit, their fragile bodies shuddering. "Anyway, I'm here to tell you something really important, so you better listen."

I leaned down, face to face with them, as I stared into their eyes with my red ones. 

"If anyone of you dares to lay even a finger on Tristan again, I will drain your tiny, fragile bodies of blood and watch you die silently. Promise?"

They nodded, their heads looking like they were to fall off of their necks.

"Greatness." I straightened my back, glaring down at them. "Don't break that promise, darlings. I got more ways than one to kill you all if you do."

They quickly left the place, whines leaving their mouths. Hunter followed me, softly ordering the ones who watched with hard eyes to return to their tasks.

"That was unnecessary," he spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"Was it now?" I shrugged. "Who the fuck cares? Shits like that should hang from the ceiling by their necks."

He suddenly grabbed my arm and pushed me against a tree. I hissed. The bark dug into my back and it hurt for a second - the sudden movement the strongest reason for my hiss rather than the pain. He softly let his finger glide down my face, his eyes focused on that spot. I squirmed under his hold - he was too close. His warmth engulfed me and my body greedily pressed closer, wanting more of him. 

I tried not to touch him more than I already was, but my body betrayed me and I latched onto him. It felt nice, but terrifying, to be sandwiched between him and the tree trunk. His broader frame loomed over my slightly smaller one, making me feel little and weak. The closer he got, the more his scent increased in strength. It teased my nose. I sighed a bit. Slowly moving my fingers over his shoulders, his skin heaven underneath my fingertips.

He moved closer. Soon, not even air separated us. I could feel every single muscle of his body, pressing against me and showing me which one of us the strongest was. He gazed into my eyes, silently looking for something. I glanced back, my hands gently gliding over his shoulder blades. He must have found whatever he was looking for, because within seconds, his lips covered mine.  

I gasped, shocked that he actually would kiss me. His tongue made its way inside my mouth, claiming me. He moved his hands, gripping my hips in a soft hold. His lips was so soft; so velvety. I moaned softly and kissed him back. My hands grabbed his arms, my nails digging into his skin. He growled, kissing me harder. 

I should have been mad. I should have pushed him away and cursed at him for even daring to kiss me without asking me first. But the kiss itself was joyous - euphoric. It made tingles dance all over my body, leaving a trail of pleasant burning skin. 

"Hunter," I mumbled against his lips, though it came out like a string of moans and letters. "Let go."

He ignored what I said. His hand travelled lower. I gasped as he gently untucked my lower half from the tree trunk and grabbed my ass. He smirked in the kiss, a chuckle vibrating his chest. I didn't understand how he could kiss me for that long. He had to breathe soon, right?

I began to gently push him in hopes of removing him from me. He did seem to take notice to my struggle as he slowly, painfully slow, ended the kiss. I gazed up at him as he leaned back the slightest, looking down at me with black eyes. Lust danced in them. I bit my lip, stopping myself from asking him to continue. His eyes dropped to the movement, darkening as he let out a throaty noise.

"What would you answer if I ask you if you want to fuck?"

"What?" I spluttered out, staring at him with wide eyes.

He leaned in, his finger tilting my chin up. His breath fanned over my ear as he whispered: "Do you want me to fuck you, Verity?"


because life is shit and i just want to update before the stress that comes with every exam starts

until next time <3

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