32. Concern

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Something was going on. I could sense it in the air. Something was off. Everything that had been going on was changing me and I did not like the sensitivity I now possessed. 

Shifting in my seat on the bench, I peered into the forest. The sun was yet up, beaming down at us. If something was out there, it would not appear until nightfall. No one was stupid enough to attack in broad daylight. Or perhaps they were.

I focused my sight on the thick branches, staring into the forest as I examined every detail. Deep in the forest, protected from the sun by the thick branches, a pair of eyes glimpsed back at me for a second. I furrowed my eyebrows and stared more, trying to determine if it was what I thought it was.

"Luna, are you alright?" Enrico, Hunter's Delta, asked. 

 He had been assigned to accompany me to the playground this time. It had been a few days since I went to the supermarket with Aunt Keira and Tristan. I had been given more space to roam on, though I would always have to bring, at least, one guard with me. A compromise between me and Hunter. I had been about to protest, but given the conversation we had that day I figured it would be better if I let him have his way in this specific matter. 

I had spent more time with all of the guys ever since. Ray, Mike, Alex, Brad, Finnick, Andy, and now Enrico. Even Jaq got a chance to "protect the blessing of the pack", as he put it. They all treated me like I was some kind of queen or something. I hated it. It felt wrong and weird. 

The eyes blinked before it rustled in the bush, an orange tail appearing for a second before the wolf disappeared into the dark forest. 


I shook my head, taking my eyes off the forest. "I'm okay."

He gave a look that screamed 'I don't believe you', but said nothing more. I turned my gaze to Tristan, watching as he built a castle in the sand box. A smile tugged on my lips as I watched him. Beside me, Enrico smiled too and turned to me once again. 

"Have you and Alpha discussed about conceiving pups?"

My face burned at his question. "What?"

"Kids, Luna, kids. Have you and Alpha talked about it?"

"No." I shook my head. "I thought it was impossible for two different species to have children together." 

Enrico gave me a warm smile. "Nothing is impossible. Not in our world at least."

A low hiss brought my attention to the forest again. I stared in between the trees. Nothing seemed to be out of place, but something definitely felt wrong. I couldn't quite figure out what was wrong, but it was something that bothered me immensely. It was infuriating not being able to figure out exactly what it was. 

"Luna Verity?"

"Yes, Tristan?" I smiled at him, though bitterly realising he would not stop call me Luna - no matter how much I asked him to. 

He strolled over to me, eyes wandering to the forest too. "Are you sad about the birds who do not sing? Is that what bothers you?"

It was akin to someone smacking me with a book. That was what had been bothering me throughout the day. The birds! I only knew of one thing that made birds go quiet and that was the sense of death.

"Oh, Tristan, you're a blessing from Nyx!" I picked him up and swirled him around before hugging him. He hugged me back, clinging to me. I turned to Enrico, who stared at us in silent confusion.

"I need to talk to Hunter."

He frowned. "Luna, you know he is in a meeting and is not to be disturbed."

"Now, Enrico."

He obliged, showing me the way. 


I did not wait for Enrico to announce our presence and hear if Hunter would see us - I just barged right in with a sleepy Tristan on my hip. Most of the people in there stood up in alarm, eyes glued to me. I stood in the doorway, my hand gripping the side of the door. Hunter turned to look at me, his eyebrows knitted in confusion. 

"Enrico, what's the meaning of this?"

"I'm sorry, Alpha." He bowed deeply behind me, craning his neck. "Luna insisted."

The people around us muttered under their breaths, glancing at me with hatred shining through their eyes. I think they are called 'the elders' in the pack; you know, the wise and noble ones who offer advice for the current leader of the pack even though their ideas are outdated. 

It hurt, to my utter surprise. Their rejection towards me clamped down on my chest and pushed down on my ribcage. I felt betrayed, which bothered me immensely. 

"I'm sure it can wait," Hunter said, taking his eyes off me. "Continue."

"It certainly cannot," I hissed out, interrupting the man who was about to start talking. "Do you really think I would come here if it was not out of importance?"

He glanced at me, contemplating my words. 

"You should not talk to the Alpha in that tone, little girl," a grumpy voice said. "You should do as he says."

I looked at the man who had spoken, my eyebrows raised in question. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, did you think I was talking to you?" A light laugh slipped past my lips. "I must have been unclear. Silly me. I should have been clearer to whom I was talking to, consider the age of the people in here. My mistake."

"Verity, that's enough!" Hunter bellowed, slamming his fist on the table.

The cups that littered the surface scrambled and fell to the floor. They smashed to the ground and pieces of ceramic flew across the room. With wide eyes, I stared at him in shock. He abruptly stood up, pushing the chair back so hard it fell to the floor. I took a step back when he approached me, holding Tristan closer to me. Hunter grabbed my arm, pulling me closer to him and sneering down at me. 

"Enrico, take that pup and bring him home."

I tried to protest, but Enrico gave me a silent warning while he gently took Tristan out of my hold. My mouth remained closed as Hunter pulled me out of the room and walked down the corridor. We did not stop until we were in an empty room. Harshly, he pulled me inside and slammed the door shut. Once the door was shut, he let out a low sigh and closed his eyes. 

"I thought you had learnt things, Verity," he growled out. "My pack is still uneasy around you and when you act this way, they take the defence."

"I have," I remarked. "But it was important that I talk to you this instant."

His eyes snapped to me and I gulped, taking a step back. "Then why the hell do you insist on being disrespectful? You are not to talk in that tone towards an Elder."


"Never! Am I being clear?"

Huffing, I crossed my arms over my chest. "Yes, you are. Busting my ear channels too. Now, may I speak?"

He swirled around, finger raised as he was about to lecture me like I was a child. Though, I beat him to it. 

"Great, thank you. Something is up. I don't know exactly what, but I think you should c-."

"Something's up?" He echoed, interrupting me. "Is that why you decided to walk right into a tremendously important meeting? Because you think something is up?"

I glared at him. "You don't understand. Something is up: something bad! I can sense it in the air. Something awful is bound to occur and I can guarantee it won't be anything nice."

Hunter sighed and approached me, gently cupping my jaw and placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"You're just nervous for the upcoming ceremony. Go home and get some rest. I will provide food to you later. Okey?"


"Go home and rest, Verity. You will feel better later."

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