43. Doctor's duty

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I slammed the door in his face and stormed inside my bedroom before he could do anything. Tossing myself on the bed, I grumbled under my breath. Hunter did not follow me, he simply walked inside his bedroom and took a shower. Although, a feeling of disgruntlement washed over me for a second.

I'm not happy with you either, I thought angrily. 

He was putting me in house arrest. House arrest!?! I could help them but no, house arrest was the only thing he would grant me.

While I was expressing my anger in my solitude, the doorbell rang. I remained in the bed, refusing to move. Hunter was still in the shower, but I did not care. The doorbell rang again; a short annoying melody. I heard a curse before Hunter stomped out of his room, tore my door open to glare at me before going down the stairs. He unlocked the door and opened it. A conversation ensued and soon Hunter hollered my name, demanding me to come downstairs. I moodily complied, stopping by the end of the stairs and crossing my arms over my chest.

The doctor, Matthew Hower, stood smiling by the door. A bag was resting by his feet. I narrowed my eyes.

"What's going on?"

"I'm going out for a meeting," Hunter said whilst gesturing for the doctor to step inside. "Doctor Hower will check your vitals and more. The guards are outside the house, in case of another attack."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh, do not worry, Luna. It's just routine work. It will go smoothly." Dr. Hower smiled as to assure me everything was alright. But no, everything was not alright.


"Because I asked him to." Hunter gave me a tired look as he walked over to me, placing a kiss to my lips before stalking back to the door. "There is blood in the fridge. I will hopefully be back before dinner. I will keep Doctor Hower informed." 

Just like that, he walked out of the door and locked it. Doctor Hower stepped past me into the living room, placing his bag on the coffee table. 

"Please, have a seat." He gestured towards the sofa and I walked over to it, flopping down on the cushions while sighing. 

"So, Doctor Hower-"

"Please, call me Matthew, Luna."

"Alright then, Matthew," I said. "Why did Hunter ask you to examine me? I assure you, I am perfectly fine."

He had his head turned away from me whilst he rummaged through his bag. Fishing up a vial and a needle, he placed them on the table while I grimaced at the sight of them. He turned back to me, giving me a small smile.

"If I could borrow your arm for a second, Luna."

I held out my arm, as I found no reason to protest, and he gently grabbed it. He put an elastic band around my arm above my elbow, before dragging his finger down it and stopping by a protruding vein. Humming for himself, he picked up a cotton ball and cleaned the skin. I swallowed hard and turned my head, averting my eyes from the needle and the tube it was connected to. My eyes shut on their own accord when the tip of the needle touched my skin. A whimper left my lips when the needle pierced my skin. I kept my eyes shut until I felt the needle leave my flesh. Matthew quickly put another cotton ball against the hole the needle made and applied pressure. 

"That wasn't so bad, now was it?"

I offered him a weak smile. He put the tube in a little metal box before heading over to the door. I watched him as he opened the door, handed it over to a person I could not see before returning to me.

"I just hate needles, that's all." I removed the cotton ball and winced at the sight of my bruised skin. Silver needles, how lovely. "What do you need my blood for anyway?"

"A simple test, nothing more. We should have the result with us in a few hours." He rummaged through his bag again, picking up a little notebook before fixating me with his calm gaze.

"Tell me, Luna, how have you been feeling lately?"

"As I said earlier, I am fine."

"Hm." He wrote that down and I furrowed my eyebrows. "A growing appetite?"

"Well, maybe, I don't know," I sighed. "It's not like I think about blood or food every second of the day."

"Do you go to the bathroom often?" I shook my head. "Have you had mood swings? Do you go from happy to annoyed within seconds? Emotional?"

A hesitant 'yes' escaped my lips. Truth to be said, I had been feeling a lot of emotions lately.

"Have you missed your menstruation?"

"Our bodies preserve any blood it needs; we hardly ever get periods."

He nodded his head. "Ah, interesting. I did not know that. Any cramping? Sensitivity to certain smells?"

"Not what I can recall." I narrowed my eyes while suspicion rose within me.

"Have you been feeling nauseous?"

"Not since the bad blood left my system."

He hummed and drummed his pencil against the clipboard, staring at the ceiling before sighing. "I have to ask this, so don't take it in the wrong way, please."

"I won't."

I leant back in the sofa while staring at him with my narrowed eyes. He avoided my stare like the plague and looked down at his feet instead. 

"Have your breasts become swollen and sensitive?"

I sucked in a breath, closing my eyes for a hot second. "Not to my knowledge. Haven't really checked, if you get my drift."

"Yup, I got it." He wrote that down before putting the clipboard away. A silence spread around us, whilst he still avoided my gaze. 

I stood up, heading into the kitchen while glancing outside. It had already been two hours since Hunter left us, which felt weird considering the fact we had not talked much since then. But the clock on the wall confirmed my thought. Rummaging through the kitchen, I opted to start making food as to have something to do while the doctor remained in the house.

"You care for some tea?" I called out.

"Oh, yes, please!" 

Pouring water into the kettle, I put it on the stove and turned it on. I searched through the pantry for pasta and found some, before opening the fridge and taking out the meat. Perhaps meatballs with spaghetti and tomato sauce would do for dinner. 

A shrill sound echoed in my ears. I removed the kettle from the stove and poured the hot water into a cup before adding the tea.

"I hope you like berry tea," I said over my shoulder as I heard him step into the kitchen.

"Yes, I love it. Thank you, Luna."

"Please, call me Verity." I gave him a smile before curiously gazing at him again with big, innocent eyes. "Why does Hunter want to know if I am pregnant or not? Does he really think that is possible after spending so little time together?"

He paused and lowered the cup. "Most mates copulate mere months after meeting each other. Alphas are extremely potent and their mates almost always get pregnant on their first heat. If you are pregnant, signs should have appeared a few days ago. But don't worry, the blood work will tells us whether you are or not for certain."

"And if I am?"

If he could hear the terror in my voice, he made no sign to tell me he had done so.

"Then we will arrange a party and celebrate the entire night."


I know I recently updated, but I finished this chapter earlier than I thought I would, so I decided to publish it so I don't stress about it later.

// Penny

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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