16. Home at last

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Hunter arrived later than what he had anticipated. The sun had left the horisont hours ago when he drove up to his house. The clock was over three am. It was silent, apart from the patrols howling every now and then. Darkness surrounded the area, the only light being the moon and the stars.

He slammed the car door shut, locking the vehicle, and tossed his bag over his shoulder. While yawning, he glanced up at the house and tried to see if she was awake or not. The only light he could see was a lamp in the hall. As he neared the front door, Finnick walked around the corner. Finnick sniffed in the air and looked in Hunter's direction. Upon seeing his Alpha, he stepped out of the shadows and greeted him.

"Welcome back, Alpha." He bowed, showing his neck for the tired and slightly angry man in front of him. "I hope your trip was successful."

"Finnick." Hunter looked at him. He was relieved when he couldn't see any injuries on his subordinate, which meant at least she hadn't fought with him. "Did she behave?"

Finnick didn't quite like the way his Alpha phrased that, it sounded like Luna Verity was some animal in need of training. But mama didn't raise no fool; he wasn't going to comment on it. Not if he wanted to keep his head where it was. 

"She never left the house during my watch," he answered, furrowing his eyebrows for a second. "I believe Ray, Mike and Enrico knows more than I do, though. They never left the house either."

Hunter nodded in thought, muttering a quick: "You may return home," before he went inside his house. 

He closed the front door, heading for Verity's room. The first thing he saw was Mike and Enrico, both standing by the stairs. They bowed as they saw him, baring their necks and eyes locked on the floor. 

"Did she behave?"

They nodded. "She barely left her room," Mike informed him. "She only went downstairs to grab some coffee once in awhile." 

"You may leave."

They left, softly closing the door after them so they wouldn't wake Verity up in case she was sleeping. Hunter climbed the stairs, being greeted by the sight of Ray outside the door to Verity's room. Ray bowed for his Alpha, scurrying off when he told him to leave and go home. Hunter faced the door, ears straining to try and catch any sound from her. He couldn't hear anything. It was silent.

He opened the door, peaking his head inside and peering through the dark. His eyes quickly adjusted to the lack of light and he saw his mate. Verity was sitting on the floor, slouched over. Her shoulder pressed against the tall window, her temple leaning against the chilly surface. He went inside, letting his bag drop from his shoulder to the ground. As it landed on the floor, resulting in a low thump, Verity stirred in her sleep and furrowed her eyebrows. He stilled for a minute or two, waiting for her to settle down and relax. She did, the muscles in her face relaxing again. He went over to her, softly and quietly. He stopped in front of her, gazing down at the beauty - his mate. Though he would never admit it aloud, she did take his breath away. Just like now. 

The faint moon light fell on her skin, making her pale complexion shine and coruscate like silver. Her lips became darker in the moon light, a dazzling shade of red, and he resisted the urge to taste them. He softly moved her hair away from her shoulder, peering at his bite. In the silverly light, it looked thin and unimportant. He pursed his lips, the feeling of his canines pressing against his gums causing him to silently snarl. 

He was conflicted. His wolf wanted to mark their mate right this instant; Hunter wanted to do it at the same time they would mate. He would never take her against her will. What was the fun in that? His wolf did not understand that mindset. However, whilst he didn't see the problem with marking her, Hunter did. He knew Verity would flip out if he marked her without her consent. Females were tricky, and he didn't even know how a vampire female would react. The only reference he had was she-wolves, and who knew if they were similar.

Though it was tempting to mark her - just sink his teeth into her porcelain neck and bond her to him forever. Especially now when she couldn't scream at him nor fight against it. Now she would just go along with it, being caught up in the moment and the Bond's happiness of finally being properly marked.

Do it, his wolf pleaded, canines poking out of his mouth and eyes dilated in want.

Hunter shook his head and wrapped his arms around her, hoisting her up in his embrace. She sighed at being moved, but didn't wake up. Instead, she just let her head fall on his shoulder. Her nose was pressed against his neck. He waited for her breath to tickle it, but then he remembered she didn't breathe. It would take some time to remember that, he figured. Every time she was near, he forgot that he couldn't hear her breathe solely because she never did it. 

He put her down on the bed, tucking her in. She curled up into a ball, arms shielding her head. Hunter froze when he saw that. She looked like an animal shielding itself from potential predators. He thought: "Does she think so lowly of me?"

Unknown to him, she feared others more. 

Maybe we should stay with her.

No, Hunter shook his head, she'll probably not like that.

What happened to us mating with her? His wolf growled angrily. You said we would once we got home.

We are not going to rape her, you absolute foul. You think she will like us after we force her into intercourse?

His wolf went silent, thinking. 

I guess you're right, he caved in, muttering under his breath. I suppose it's better if she did it willingly.

You think? Hunter muttered sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

He left the room, closing the door quietly after himself, and walked towards his room - leaving Verity alone in her suffering. No matter how observant a werewolf was, he would never have been able to see the silent tears streaming down her face. 

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