33. For a long time

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"Why won't he listen?" I snarled frustratedly and slammed the door to the refrigerator shut. 

"Because Alpha is a man of logic and your suspicion is not based on logic." 

"So what?" I sat down next to Jaq, glaring at the table and sighing. "The least he could do is heed to my words."

"Verity, Alpha is busy planning your official introduction ceremony and tending to the increased rogue activity near our borders. No matter how much he loves you, he will not drop everything for a feeling you are having," Celeste said sternly. 

Jaq clapped my shoulder lightly, smiling at me when I looked up at him. "You are probably nervous and anxious, and that causes your senses to heighten. Do as Alpha suggested and take a nap."

He gave me a light hug before he stood up. Celeste did the same and I followed them to the door. She gave me a hug.

"Take care, okey? I will see you tomorrow."

I nodded and after releasing myself from her grip, I gently closed the door. Deciding to do as they said, I lazily made my way upstairs. Once I reached my room, I stopped. My hand hovered over the doorknob but did not grip it. My eyes trailed further down the corridor. Hunter's room. He wouldn't mind me sleeping in there, would he?

Taking a chance, I left my door and trotted over to his. I opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind me. I all but threw myself onto his bed and quickly curled up under the sheets. A sigh left my lips and I buried my head in his pillow, inhaling his heavenly scent.

Maybe they were right; perhaps I was seeing signs of danger because I was nervous about joining a pack of werewolves. After all, I wasn't certain I was going to stick around much longer. They are still looking for me and trying to hunt me down. I have been here for too long and should get moving. 

But a part of me ached at the thought of leaving Hunter. It felt wrong to even think about leaving him and the pack. To disappear and never look back. Until the threat is diminished, I cannot stay here. 

I rolled over and stared out of the window. The sun was on its way down, its rays peaking over the tree line. Hunter had yet to return to the house. He had been away all day. It was slightly ridiculous, but I missed him. I missed his gentle touch when he holds me, his scent lingering in the air; his calm breaths that stills my thoughts; the sound of his heart beating strongly in his chest. Most of all, I missed it when he whispered my name in that soft, calm tone he rarely had with me.

A yawn escaped me and my eyelids dropped. Sleep had been a rarity for me these past days. I pressed myself closer to his pillow and let my mind travel to the dreamland.  


I woke up with a jolt. Anger and rage poured through my body; boiling in my veins. My hands clenched around the sheets and my fangs ached to rip something or someone apart. I felt enraged, but I did not know what caused such anger to rise within me.

After taking a few, calm stretches, I realised it was not I who was feeling angry - Hunter was. He was furious and pissed off at something. It must have been about something huge, as it had nestled into my mind and awoken me. 

A frown etched upon my forehead and I crawled out of the bed, heading to the door. I cracked it open and stuck my head out, listening for him. He was not in the house nor nearby. I trotted downstairs and put my shoes on. Stepping outside, I sniffed in the air and tried to pinpoint his exact location. 

Once I caught a whiff of his scent, I headed in his direction. His scent lead me into the forest and I hesitantly made my way through the thick shrubbery. I walked slowly and my ears were on high alert. Whenever a leaf rustled, my eyes would scan my surroundings. Was I being paranoid? Perhaps. But did I want to live? Hell yeah. 

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