15. Worry

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I leaned my chin in my hand, staring at nothing in particular, bored out my mind. Hunter was talking to Dave, ever so often glancing at me. There was no doubt that they were probably discussing me and how to keep me 'out of trouble'. He had insisted that I was here until he left for his little trip to Goddess-knows-where. 

Hunter would leave any minute now. Blondie and company would 'protect me', to quote the Alpha himself. They would be around every hour of the day until he got back from his trip. He didn't go into details, but I figured they would be close during these days. Probably so close that they would know every single step I took.

Hunter's gaze burned my skin. A low sigh left my lips when I noticed he was staring at his mark, a smirk playing on his lips. I touched my neck, massaging the area where he bit me last night. It was sore and throbbed under my touch. The bite was merely a nip, not deep enough to bind me to him, but it would signal the fact that I was claimed; mated. Tell unmated ones to stay away, unless they wanted to meet the wrath of a pissed off Alpha. And he was beyond proud of his work. 

Stupid dog.


I hummed, letting him now I was listening even though I wasn't really showing him my attention. 

"I'm leaving now."

I nodded as I turned my gaze away, not looking at him. 

He sighed and gently pressed his lips to my temple. "Behave. I will see you on Sunday. And remember," he bent down, his lips hovering over my ear, "I will show you heaven when I come back."

A shiver ran down my spine and I stiffened in my seat. 

He smirked, softly running his hand through my hair before he walked out of the house. Dave lingered behind, staring at me with those calculating eyes. I didn't like it. And I'm not sure f I like him or not. 

"Do you want anything?" I broke the silence, turning my gaze to the Beta.

Dave narrowed his eyes at me. "Just letting you know I got my eyes on you. So don't try anything. Because if you do, Hunter will know about it immediately."

I sighed and stood up, brushing past him on my way to my room. "You among everyone else."


"Good morning, Luna. How are you?"

I looked at Ray and raised my eyebrows, staring at him. He patiently waited for me to answer, but I just continued to stare at him. Guess how I feel - I dare you. 

"Okey then, no talking. I get it."

No, you don't. None of you do.

I rolled my eyes and went inside the kitchen, only to be greeted by the sight of Mike and Enrico. They stood at each entrance, with their arms crossed over their chests, and were leaning against the wall. I stared at them, getting grumpier for every second that passed by. They gave me a smile.  

"Good morning, Luna," they said at the same time, nodding at me. 

A low hiss left my lips and I shot them a glare. They looked away, staring at the floor instead of me. It actually made me feel bad, but I shrugged it off. At the moment, I was fuming. And nothing, not even guilt, could erase it. Being watched every hour of the day did not bring back pleasant memories. 

I made some coffee before I sat down, drowning the hot liquid while staring out of the window. As I did, my eyes caught sight of Finnick's back. He was standing on the deck, observing the forest in front of him. My eyes darkened in anger. Not only were they watching me inside the house - he actually made them patrol around it too! 

This is ridiculous. 

"I'm going to bed. Guard me and I will kick your ass," I announced, turning to leave.

"But, Lu-"

"To clarify: no I'm not going to try and leave. I just need some peace and quiet. I'm gonna lock myself inside my room, since I don't want to spend the day with people watching me like hawks." 

Ray tried to object, saying something about how Hunter wasn't going to enjoy hearing this, but I ignored him and walked back upstairs. They let me leave. Once I made it to my room, I slammed the door shut and flopped down on the bed. Hopefully, they would let me be alone for the rest of the day. Goddess knew I needed it at that moment. 

Today was Saturday morning. Hunter would arrive tomorrow, later in the evening. I was a bit anxious and afraid of what he would do. I mean, if we were going to have sex, I would total fall under the Bond's magic and go through with it. But I don't think I'm ready. Scratch that, I can't do it. 

I was scared for the things the Bond could make me and the emotions it made me feel. It was like the opposite of switching your emotions off. Instead of feeling nothing at all but hunger occasionally, you felt everything at the same time. It was a nightmare having all these feelings swirling around within me. I really wanted to switch my humanity off, but I knew that was not considerable. 

Being under someone's control was unsettling. I didn't look forward to us actually commit to the Bond. The little I knew about werewolves were that the males (or the one with the highest rank) was the dominant one. Which meant Hunter would mark me first and I would be 'under his spell', so to speak. He would hold the power in this relationship. I doubted Hunter would ever let me mark him. Me, having some control over him? Yeah, sure. That was as likely as me having a beating heart. 

I curled up into a ball, tucking the pillow under my chin. Before I could stop it, a tear slipped down my cheek. I froze as it landed on my hand. It was actually a bit warm. I stared at in confusion - I hadn't shred a tear for years. The Mate Bond was really changing me, just like my friend had told me it would. 

I sighed and buried my head deep in the pillow. This was too hard. I felt like Hunter and his pack expected major things from me. Things I cannot do, like mate with him. Things I cannot be. For example, a leader for them. 

"I'm not ready to be a leader," I whispered. 

My words bounced against the walls, echoing in my head.

"I'm not ready."


» school starts tomorrow and I want to cry. On top of it all, I've Latin as my first lesson «

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