31. Words from the heart

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Hunter stood in front of a group of, what I assume were, warriors. He was hollering orders at them, screaming his lungs out. His eyes were black, making me take a frightened step back into the forest. The warriors cowered before him on their knees, with their foreheads pressed to the ground. It was the most submissive position I had ever seen a werewolf in. I inched closer with caution. If Hunter was mad, I sure as hell didn't want to be near him. 

"I don't care if it has taken you all day already - find her! I want her back before the night falls. If she is not here, you all will be fucking sorry. Am I clear?"

"But Alpha, her scent is no longer detectable," one of the poor things dared to say, cowering under Hunter's burning glare. "We can't find her without a scent to follow. It is impossible. She has simply vanished."

My face lost all its colour. It was me the fuss was all about. I debated if I should just turn around and walk away, or if I should help these poor wolves out. Maybe I could shrug it off, like it was no big deal that I went away for a few hours. A low sigh left my lips. This will not end up good. I started to walk towards them, biting down on my bottom lip to stop it from trembling. Taking a deep breath, I dreaded the reaction that was about to follow after my next words. 

"What's the ruckus about, Hunter?" I asked sweetly, gazing at them. "Has something happened?"

It went dead silent. You could drop a nail there and everyone would be able to hear it. Hunter froze before slowly turning his head, his mad eyes piercing right through mine. A shudder ran down my body. He appeared to be hella pissed. I smiled nervously and waved at him. 


That seemed to wake him from his dazed state. He stiffly beckoned me to come to him, which I did. I, however, wanted to turn around and run for my life, but I knew his wolf would only love the chase. So I stayed put, calmly (though only exteriorly) walking to him. Inside, I was freaking out. When I was close enough, he gripped my arms rather harshly and pulled me to him. I crashed into his chest, squealing in shock. 

"Where the fuck were you?" He growled in my face, his hold tightening to the point where it started to hurt. 

I squirmed. "Out."


"In town," I gasped out, gritting my teeth to stop myself from lashing out on him. 

"Who the hell let you go there?"

I tore myself out of his hold, earning some scratches from his claws. I glared at him, lips pulled back in a snarl. "I won't tell you. Given your mood, you will only kill them in your rage. Be glad I didn't leave your sorry ass while I was out, you prick. I actually missed you and your wolf, but now I want nothing more than for your face to get out of my view."

With a fierce glare, I walked past him, making sure to bump his shoulder - hard. I stalked into the house, rubbing my arms where he had gripped me. Fucker. I would for sure get bruises. 

"Verity! Stop right now!" He snarled after me. "I'm not done talking to you."

"Fuck off, Hunter! I'm not in the mood to deal with your shit." I swirled around, throwing the bag of liquorice in his direction. He caught it before it could hit his face, raising his eyebrows in confusion. "Here, I heard you like that. Enjoy. Now leave me the fuck alone, you absolute cockroach."

I stomped up the stairs. When I entered my room, I tossed the bag of cherries on the table and collapsed on the bed. I was exhausted and tired. Pissed at Hunter. Tired of all the shouting and cursing. I know I was not any better than him, and my only excuse is that he provoked me. But then again, that's not really an excuse, now is it?

Sighing, I curled up into a ball and stared at the wall. The clock on the nightstand ticked on, minute for minute. I was left alone; Hunter never showed up to scream at me. He was in the house though, I could hear him downstairs. He was making a lot of noises. 

It made me wonder what he was doing, but I was not in the mood to check. Instead, I buried my head under the pillow and tried to block everything around me. I was mad, but for some reason mostly hurt. I thought we were on better terms by now, but it seemed like he would never trust me with anything. Now, I don't judge him for not trusting me, but he could at least try to act like he trusts me. 

Should I apologise? Maybe. He looked hurt.

I sighed again and rose from the bed, heading downstairs. Hunter was in the kitchen, I realised. I strolled inside, spotting him sitting by the table and glaring at the wall. He looked miserable. His knuckles were beaming red, probably from punching something too hard. My walls crumbled and I walked up to him, placing my arms around his neck. 

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. "I should have told I was going to leave the pack grounds for a few hours. I'm so sorry, Hunter. I did not mean to make you worry for me."

He sighed and pushed his chair out. Gently, as if I were to disappear the moment he touched me, he lifted me up and put me in his lap. He cupped my face, thumb stroking my cheek. I leant in to his touch, sighing. 

"I'm the one who should apologise. I should have know that being stuck inside the house would bore you, my love. Next time, just tell me where you are going so I know. I'd prefer to come with you, but may not always be able to. All I ask is for you to inform me if you go somewhere, so I can send someone to keep you safe."

I was shocked. He apologised. He apologised to me. Me. This is some mindblowing change. 

"Though, do I really need someone to keep me safe?" I raised my eyebrows. "I am more than capable of taking care of myself."

He stroke my bottom lip, smiling. "I have many enemies, Verity. The last thing I want is for them to be able to get a hold on you. I would not survive losing you. The thought alone pains me."

If I would have had a functioning heart, it would have fluttered. 

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