27. Reassurance

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The walk to Celeste's house was not so pleasant. People would greet me with 'good morning, Luna' and bow their necks. It was unsettling. I didn't like it one bit. Noses would sniff in the air. Heads would turn in my direction. Eyes would peer at my neck. And then smiles would appear on every goddamn face I saw. Even the kids smiled brightly. This couldn't be worser. 

The moment I stepped on their porch, the door opened and someone pulled me inside. 

"Girl!" Jaq screamed with a high pitched voice. "Girl!"


He seemed to be hysteric and I was confused as to why. I was gently pushed into a chair at their kitchen island. Celeste sat in front of me, smiling though her eyes were filled with concern. Jaq bounced into a chair next to her, head turned to me as he smiled.


"So what?"

He smirked, pointing an accusing finger at me. "You fucked our Alpha. I wanna hear the juicy details."

"Jaq!" Celeste scolded, rolling her eyes.

"I bet he likes it rough." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. Either way, I won't tell you."

"Oh, she's avoiding it," he said, eyeing Celeste. "He most likely likes it rough."

"Jaq, shut up for a second, will ya?" She said. "It's my turn to ask first, then you can."

He poke his tongue out but did shut up.



"Please tell me you actually wanted to mate with him. If he dared to force you into it in any way, I'll kick his ass."

I snorted. "You won't, because you can't. No need to anyway, he didn't force me."

"Because of the heat?"

"Because of the Bond. It does put feelings for him in me, feeling that has grown during my stay here. Mating would have happened sooner or later. My feelings decided on sooner." Though I had hoped for later.

"My turn!" Jaq shouted, leaning over the table. "How was it?"

At my puzzled look, he explained clearer. "How was it to have sex with Alpha?"

"Are you jealous?" I teased him.

He looked mortified but blushed at the same time. "No-o, of course not."

"Yeah, sure," I dragged out the word, smirking. "But I'll give you a clue - spot him without a shirt and you will see how he likes it."

"Aha! I knew it! He does like it rough." 

I shrugged but smiled. "You never know. Though he doesn't mind biting."

"You hoe." Jaq faked gasped. "You actually bit him during sex? You kinky bitch."

"Don't be with a vampire if you don't like getting bitten," I chuckled. "Just a warning, in case you are matched with one."

"Mood to that."

"So, how are you feeling?" Celeste asked, ignoring her brother, completely changing the subject. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not sure. I'm neither angry nor thrilled. Not sad nor joyful. I'm more like lowkey pleased and yet scared."

"Scared of what?" Both seemed concerned about my answer, eyebrows dipped.

"To become a leader," I sighed. "Like, what do I know about being a Luna? Absolutely nothing. I don't know anything about werewolves except the things I learned from my parents. Your system, your way of living, your beliefs, everything - it's a mystery to me. And I'm supposed to be one of your leaders? That's crazy. I know nothing about being a leader." Liar.

Celeste smiled gently. "Don't worry. You're the mate of our Alpha. Being a Luna, our Luna, is basically programmed in your genes. The moment you get accepted by the Moon Goddess, those genes will wake from their slumber and you will be able to help Hunter lead this pack."

"Yeah." Jaq nodded. "Usually it takes less time than what it does for you, but that's only because those Lunas have a wolf within themselves - a wolf that knows from the moment they meet their mate that they are supposed to be a leader. You will know what to do when you need to know. That's all that matters. So don't let that little thing drag you down."

"But what if-" they groaned in unison when those words left my mouth "-your Goddess doesn't accept me as your Luna? Then what?"

"That has never happened!" Jaq said in frustration. "No true mate of an Alpha has ever been rejected by the Moon Goddess. She's the one that pairs them, for crying out loud."

"But if I am not Hunter's true mate, what happens then?"

"Nonsense," Celeste muttered. "You cannot not be his true mate. The intense level your heat was at contradicts that ridiculous thought. You really need to stop doubting yourself. Hunter loves you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you. A wolf only feels like that towards its true mate. You need to work on your self-esteem."

"It's not about my self-esteem, per se." I leaned my head on the table, staring at the smooth surface. "I'm just worried that I'm going to screw things up and that I will disappoint Hunter. Just imagine us during the ceremony - he being all professional and stuff and then me being all clumsy and nervous." 

"I'm sure Alpha will help you preparing for the ceremony. I doubt he will let you 'be clumsy' as you say. Also, I and Jaq will be there. Don't be so scared to be yourself; we love you for you."

"But being me isn't what I am," I said softly and stood up. "I need to think. See you tomorrow?"

They looked puzzled but nodded, watching me leave the kitchen. I left their house, heading for the forest. It was still light outside, so I had a few hours to kill before returning to Hunter's house.   I stopped dead in my tracks. Hunter wasn't expecting me to return until the evening and he was supposed to be occupied with paperwork all day. Which meant, no one was keeping an eye on me and I could sneak off to pay an old 'friend' a visit. 

I nodded to myself and changed direction, heading for the pack house. Now, I wasn't sure exactly where they kept Amado or if he was even still alive, but it was worth a shot. On my way to the pack house, I spotted Dave. He was walking slowly, looking at his phone. I hesitated. Was I really that desperate? It pained me, but I decided I had to. I needed to know how much time I had left. 

"Hey, Dave!" I shouted to get his attention, waving. 

He looked up, coming to a halt. I jogged up to him. "Luna. What can I do for you?" 

I tilted my head a little to the left, eyes staring into his as I softly said: "Is the vampire you captured still alive?"

He hesitated, but my willpower won over his. "Yes."

Bingo. I did increase the control a little, in case I happened to loose it later. "I want you to take me to him, leave us alone, go back to whatever you were doing before and forget about this conversation."

His eyes dimmed over a bit before he craned his neck.

"This way, Luna."

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