21. Decisions

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I stared at the pack house, marvelling at the size of it. Not as big as my old place, but it was definitely big for a pack of wolves. Especially since most lived in houses nearby. I climbed the few stairs up to the big porch. A few chairs were scattered to my left. Four older wolves sat in them, hostile eyes sizing me up and down, lingering on my neck. I knocked on the front door, patiently waiting for Celeste to open up. She didn't. Instead, Jaq popped his head out of a nearby window and smiled. 

"Luna, greetings. Just step inside, door's unlocked. Take the first door to your right."

I did, opening the door, and walked inside. The hall was gigantic. To my left was an archway, leading towards a enormous kitchen. In front of me was a staircase, wide enough to allow five people walk side by side. One corridor on each side of the staircase, littered with paintings and doors. To my right was a double door. I could hear laughter and music softly playing behind the thick wood. It seemed like they had fun. I opened the door, immediately being greeted by a small group of people.

Their eyes shot to me the second I stepped inside and I froze. 

"Verity!" A light voice screamed and soon I was engulfed in a warm hug. I blinked in sudden confusion until I noticed it was Celeste. "You here! I can't believe that you managed to convince him to let you come."

I awkwardly rubbed my neck, humming in response. The only reason I was allowed to be here was because I had let Hunter re-establish his mark and scent me. It was not pleasant. Or, it was pleasant but only for my body, not for my mind. The man had touched every piece of skin he could find with either his tongue or lips.

She let me go and turned to the group, a smile plastered on her face. "Everyone, this is Verity - Alpha's mate. Verity, this is a few of my friends."

I nodded, looking anywhere but on the group of people. To my delight though, I saw that Mike and Finnick was among the small crowd. The others were unknown faces, except for a bit older lady. I recognised her - she was the woman who had picked up Tristan at Hunter's place once!

Celeste introduced me to her friends. Mike and Finnick smiled at me, proudly (if I may say so) calling me Luna and craning their necks. I had blushed and hissed at them to stop it. She then moved on to two teenagers who looked the same. Both had the same blonde hair, reaching to below their ears and curls framing their round faces. Brown eyes like honey beamed back at me. They were the same height and wore the same outfit: a grey T-shirt and dark blue jeans matched with black sneakers.

"This is Maximilian - everyone calls him Maxi, and this is Milton."

I observed them closely, trying to spot anything that could tell them apart. "Which one is the one with the scar above his right eyebrow?"

Both them and Celeste stared at me. 

"You can't tell us apart aside from one tiny scar?" The one with the scar asked.

I shrugged. "Not even that, unless you tell me which one you are."

The one without the scar answered: "I'm Maxi. He's Milton."

"Then I can merely tell you apart by a tiny scar, Milton."

After that brief conversation, Celeste introduced me to a girl named Rosa (she was this tiny, cute thing that looked like she could kill you within ten seconds). Next was a ginger headed boy named Rivan. Altogether, everyone in her friend circle seemed to be around sixteen to seventeen years old - in other words, children. I knew that Celeste was seventeen, Jaq was sixteen, and Mike and Finnick were both nineteen. I found it hilarious that Hunter had ordered children to guard me.

"So, now that we all are here, I suggest we team up." She turned to me. "Verity, do you mind decorating the tree with Keira and the twins?"

"Not at all."

"Great." She then proceeded to gave the others their instructions as the people parted and some left the room. 

"I'm going to help decorating the dining room. Is it okay for you?" Celeste asked softly, concern laced in her eyes. "I know I said we were going to spend the day together, but-"

"It's fine." I smiled at her. "Besides, I should get to know more of the people in Hunter's pack, no?"

She smiled and gave me a big hug, promising we would have dinner together. Mike and Finnick waved at me before they left the room, following Celeste. 

I joined the twins and the older lady named Keira. 

"So, what are we decorating?"

Milton pointed at the two big trees in the middle of the living room. Maximilian gave me a box full of balls in different colours.

"Which colour theme shall we do this year, Aunt Keira?" 

"Why don't we let the Luna decide?"

My eyes widened. "Me? Choose what?"

"The colours of the ornaments for each tree," Keira chuckled. "We either have the same colour theme on both or two different ones."

"But what is it for? Your Goddess?"

Keira shook her head. "No, it's for Christmas."

"Christmas? The celebration for the humans's God's son, Jesus Christ?"

"Yes, exactly. Though we celebrate it more for the sake of the pack and family. And some of the members were humans, so they brought Christmas with them."

I nodded in understanding. Sounds fun. "I might not be the best to choose any colours, Aunt Keira. I mean, I have never celebrated Christmas and to be honest, I don't think the pack will like it that I will be choosing the colours."

"Nonsense." Keira softly grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "The pack doesn't hate you as much as you think. This will only put you in the positive perspective, helping us out with small things in the beginning. Right, boys?"

"Well, it might seem like you are planning to stay if you get involved with us more," Milton mumbled. "And you know, that's what we all are kinda hoping for. An Alpha needs his Luna and a pack needs both of them together in order to thrive."

I looked away, biting my bottom lip. This wasn't good. Or wait, it actually was. By doing this, everyone including Hunter might think I actually won't try to leave and thus lowering their guard. This will only make it easier for me to leave them. But, would it be worth it?

"Well," I drawled. "I don't really have any good ideas how to decorate it, but um- what do you think of decorating one of them in gold and green, and the other in black and red? If you have those colours of course."

"Yes, we do."

"Why those colours though?" Milton asked, curiosity laced in his voice. 

I feigned shyness, looking away from their burning stares. "It's our eye colours."

The big smile that appeared on Keira's face after I said that made me feel bad. She looked so happy. The twins looked a bit shocked, though they too had a smile on their lips. It made me feel guilty, for some reason.

Goddess, why does it feel so wrong to lie to these people?

"A perfect choice, Luna. Shall we begin?"


I have national test in math tomorrow and I might as well update now before my mom takes my electronics away from me for failing math 

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