39. Sharp tongues

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I stood frozen by the stairs, my eyes still trained on the spot he had stood on. Vladimir Lirovich, Lord over Eastern Russia; the man responsible for most of my nightmares and half the reason I am on the run. Seeing his face; hearing his voice brought forth painful memories. My body shook as I clasped my hands together, pressing my nails into my skin. 

A touch to my lower back made me jump in fright and I let out a snarl whilst I swirled around. Hunter gave me an unimpressed look before taking a closer look.

"Your eyes are wide," he said. "And you are shaking. What's happened?"

"Nothing, I- I'm just torn up."

He gave me a suspicious look but said nothing as he linked his arm with mine and dragged me towards the car. I hoped in to the passenger seat whilst he sat on the driver seat. He started the engine and backed out of the parking spot. 

"Are we going home?"

"No, we are going to the pack house."

I said nothing more as he drove us down the road. He drove fast, faster than what I believed was allowed before driving down the main road that led to the pack house. He parked right outside it, sending gravel over the lawn behind the low fence. Killing the engine, he turned to stare at me.

"Do not embarrass me now, okay? Be polite and this will go smoothly. We won't stay long. I can sense your exhaustion."

I nodded and opened the car door, jumping out of the car and waited for him to get out. He came up to my side, grabbing my hand, and together we walked inside the pack house.

A few were already there. Their eyes turned to us; they gave us a sharp nod. I nodded politely and pressed myself closer to Hunter once I spotted the hostile glares thrown my way. I stayed by his side, curling up under his arm and trying to make myself as small as possible. 

Hunter made no objections towards me clinging on to him whilst he walked around the room, taking slow sips from a glass of water and talking to his pack members in sombre conversations about Regina and the memories people had of her. I stayed silent, for I had nothing to add to the conversations. 

I had my safe haven under Hunter's arm until Beta Dave emerged in the entrance. 

"I need to talk to Dave alone." He eased my grip off his waist and gave me a quick smile. "It will only be a few minutes, I promise."

He waved at Dave, gesturing towards a door, before he left me to fend for myself. I remained in the spot by the corner, lingering near the table littered with food, shuffling on my feet.

The moment Hunter had disappeared upstairs with Dave, the glaring and murmurs had started. I could hear them, although they whispered lowly. I could feel the glares, scorching my skin. 

"It was her."

"Everyone knows she hated Regina."

"I heard she showed up in the forest that night, drenched in blood."

"Yeah, I heard that too! Nik told me that. She was practically caked in it." 

I shunned away from the glares the best I could, grabbing a glass of champagne and sipping on it so I did not hiss at anyone nor flash my fangs. It was unbearable to be here; to endure the comments that tore through the air. Not everyone was talking, but I knew everyone was thinking the same thing. All thought I was Regina's killer. 

"Look at her. Standing among us like she is one of us."

"Once she gives alpha an heir, he will get rid of her for sure."

I forced the hiss down my throat and swallowed the rest of my champagne. My eyes remained directed at the floor and I refused to raise them to glare at anyone. I need to stay calm and avoid conflict until Hunter returns. That is all. 

The doors opened. Familiar scents raced towards me and I peered up to see Celeste and Jaq walk inside. Their parents followed suite. The sight of them wrenched my chest; they looked heartbroken. Mrs Oakley was still crying while Mr Oakley held her close to him, silent tears streaming down his cheeks. Apprehensively, I approached Celeste and Jaq as they were alone while their parents were being flocked by numerous pack members. 

"Celeste. Jaq. Hi." They looked up at me, both with bloodshot eyes. 

"I can't believe that bloodsucker dares talking to them after what she did."

I shrunk inwards and let my eyes fall to the floor again. "I'm sorry about Regina, I really am. If I could change anything, I would."

"She thinks she can change what she did? Shouldn't have done it in the first place."

"Thanks, Luna," Celeste gripped my hand and squeezed, making me look up at her. "Don't listen to them, you are not to blame."

"I'm sorry nonetheless." 

She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me close. Jaq joined in, holding us in his arms whilst I whispered: "I know how it feels losing someone you care about even though you might not always see eye to eye."

We stayed in the embrace until a low growl echoed from behind us. Their arms immediately fell from me and they took a step back, bowing their heads. I rolled my eyes when an arm snaked around my waist and pulled me into a strong chest. 

"Celeste, Jaq, my condolences."

"Thank you, Alpha." 

They kept their heads bowed whilst Hunter turned to me. "We need to pay our respect to the parents and then we will leave. A few of my subordinates will come over to our house to discuss a few issues later."

His hand found mine as he dragged me off towards Mrs and Mr Oakley. They bowed before us, their heads dipped in respect. 

"My condolences, Mr and Mrs Oakley."

"I'm really sorry," I whispered, not having enough courage to look at them. "I would never wish such fate upon anyone."

"Thank you, Alpha, Luna. We appreciate you coming here."

"Of course. Regina was a respectable member and one good fighter. We will miss her."

I gave them a small smile before Hunter dragged me out of there. We jumped into the car and was soon leaving the pack house. I was silent during the ride, staring out of the window. I felt Hunter glance over at me several times, sighing before he placed a hand on my thigh. 

"Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong."

"Bullshit." His grip tightened. "Is it because I fucked Regina before you and I started accepting each other?"

"I could not care less who you have fucked, Hunter," I snarled out.

"Then what the hell is your problem?"

I clenched my fists. "Stop the car."


"Stop the fucking car. Right now."

He growled but slammed on the brakes, causing the car to come to an abrupt stop in the forest. I could see the house in the distance, but right now I needed to get away. I opened the car door, ready to jump out the car when his hand around my wrist halted me.

"Where the fuck are you going?" 

"I need to walk around alone. I just- I just need to be for a moment."

His grip did not falter whilst he stared at me. 

"I can't just let you go alone into the forest."

"I'm going." I tore my wrist out of his hold. "I guess you will just have to trust me."

I quickly ran away from the car before he could stop me, rushing into the green forest for some peace and quiet. Hunter shouted after me until I was far away enough for it to fade.

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