Yandere!Naruto x Fem!Reader LEMON

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Haii~! I'm back with another requested, yandere lemon! I hope like it!


Enjoy! (If there's anything wrong with it, let me know, and I will edit it)


You and Naruto.

That's what it always was, and to Naruto, always will be. From kids to teenagers, speaking of which, you and Naruto are 16 now. No, it wasn't your birthday but you decided to take some time off from Naruto. 

You were hanging out with (Gaara/Rock Lee/and or Sasuke) today, since Kakashi-sensei said you guys could take the time off from missions.

"Shut up!", you giggled, punching (Gaara/Rock Lee/and or Sasuke) in the arm. He was just telling you about something funny, that you couldn't help but laugh. You bumped into a chest and saw Naruto.

"Hey, Naruto!", you greeted, smiling that smile everyone loved to see. Naruto returned that smile.

"[Y/N]... you", Naruto replied, narrowing his eyes at your friend. "Whatcha' up too?", Naruto asked.

You flicked your shinobi headband.

"I was gonna go train with (Gaara/Rock Lee/and or Sasuke) later today at 3.. you wanna come?", you asked. The blonde nodded and beamed.

"Alrighty! Don't have anything thing else to do except...", he mumbled something that you couldn't understand. You blinked and tilted your head to the side.

"What was that?!", you asked, almost yelling like you had a hearing aid. (Gaara/Rock Lee/ and or Sasuke) let out a laugh and giggled.

"Nothing.. see you at 3!" , he responded, jumping on a tree.

"Wonder what's his deal", (Gaara/Rock Lee/and or Sasuke) he said, thinking out loud. 

~ At 3:00pm ~

You arrived in the forest, miles away from your team's base. The training grounds were surprisingly empty, thinking that you would see your comrades, since your kinda late most of the time.

"Where is everyone? They said they'd meet me here", you asked, tapping your cheek. You walked around for a couple of moments and heard two footsteps with a dragging object.

You whipped your head around and saw Naruto dragging with (Gaara/Rock Lee/ and or Sasuke) in his hands, and he was limp, while dyed with red blood splattered everywhere on both of the male's clothing, while the limp body had half lided but terrified eyes.

"N-Naruto?", you asked, eyeing the dead body. Your gentle, terrified voice startled the Fox ( Naruto ) causing him to drop the body, making a loud thud.

"[Y/N]? Didn't see you there", stated Naruto, surprised. You're eyes widen. He made a familiar hand sign and heard a two blow of smoke appear. One rushed toward you to hold you down and the other had a bat. The real Uzuamki smiled, happy with his progress.

You struggled, and looked up at the shadow clone.

"Naruto! Call them off!", you shouted, trying to reach to your kunai/shuriken pack. The next thing you knew, the shadow clone knocked you unconscious.


'It hurts'

You woke up, but kept one eye open.

"Oh, you're awake! I think I hit you too hard.. hehe, sorry!", he chuckled. Your hands were tied and since your body felt a bit numb, you didn't feel like struggling.

"N-Naruto..?", you asked automatically, as you continued staring at the ceiling. You sat up, and groaned feeling as if you got hit by a bus. The blonde grabbed your shoulders and pushed you back down to the bed, climbing on top of you.

"What are you doing?", you asked, blushing a little. Naruto didn't respond but just started nipping at your neck, making you squirm. Naruto unbuttoned your shirt, revealing part of your exposed skin, making your face turn deep pink.

"Wh-what the-?!"

Naruto then began to lock your waist and lower, pulling off your skirt and the next thing you know.. that. Your face was basically blushing a deep crimson. The hungry fox dipped his tongue in and out, and licking the outside walls of your entrance. You bit your lip, almost drawing out blood. Was he was finished, he slid one finger slowly into you, making you grunt.

"Sorry if it hurts..", Naruto said, thrusting his finger in and out slowly. You let a quiet moan, and gasped as he slid another one into you, quickening the speed. Your heart rate speed quickly increased. He slowly slid his fingers out, and untied the bow in between your bra, making it collapse and fall off. He licked around your stud, making you wince. You moaned out when he started sucking on it. "N-naruto!"

He took off his clothes, making you blush a bit more. Your eyes widen as he positioned himself into you, but didn't push in yet. "Now hold still [Y/N], this might hurt a little.. so try to relax", he comforted you. Naruto slowly pushed into you, making you cry out in pleasure and in pain. Your head shot back, and moaned. The good news was, he gave you time to adjust to his length. "Yo-you can move now", you stated a bit. He suddenly let out a crazed growl and started to thrust fast.  

You arched your back, cried out his name. This felt just the right pace for you, even though it was your first time. You felt yourself become closer to climax. 

"I-I'm so close..", you said in between your pants. Naruto thrusted three more times before reaching his/and your climax. You panted, and stared up at the ceiling. 

He laid beside you and smiled, while you did a tired glare at him.

"Wuv u~!"


Naruto then tackled you and started showering you with kisses.

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