☆1K SPECIAL ☆ Yandere!Neko!Sasuke x Reader

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If it's not special to you, it is to me ;3;

Neko-Sasu: ADOPT ME BITCH, IF YOU THINK I'M CUTE ♡ Wait but -_Sasuke_Uchiha_- is my master NEVERMIND

Enjoy at least TwT

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"[Name]-senpai! [Name]-senpai!", a little voice called out, hearing footsteps run to towards you. You perked your head up from sharpening your kunai, as your [Eye Color] eyes landed on a 7 year old, neko, Sasuke run towards you. You gave a warm smile and did a slight wave.

You, [Name][L/Name], was technically the local Uchiha babysitter.  The little boy ran up to you, a nice grin plastered on his face as he held a baby turtle in his hands. The turtle was confused about where he was and was nibbling on his ( Sasuke's ) index finger.

"I see you found a turtle..I think it likes you, honestly", you said with a laugh. A small blush went across Sasuke's cheeks as he averted his onyx eyes.



"Before I actually brought the turtle to you, I saw the mommy turtle trying to guard her babies by leading them into the lake..why?"

You tilted your head slightly as the neko sat beside you, while the turtle somehow crawled on his tail and nibbled on it softly.

"What do you mean?", you asked.
"I mean, why was she doing it?"

You let out a small chuckle of embarrassment, causing your cheeks to turn a bright pink. You blinked slightly feeling the seven year old poke your cheek.


"Well, if the really want an answer. I guess it's because the mother cares for her children, like love"

"Love? I never understood that! Explain for me~!"

You let out a small laugh and scratched behind his ears, hearing a small purr in response.
"Well, love deals with compassion, and protection. I don't know how to say it but love is a connection between two people who must give affection, compassion and understanding. Also protection.."

Sasuke averted his eyes, for he needed a moment to think. Seconds later, he popped up again.

"So...if you love someone...you protect them? Like, whatever means necessary?"

You shrugged, nodded and smiled. "Sure I guess you can say that. Come on, I have to take you home", you reminded him, holding his hand while walking him home.

Sasuke's onyx eyes would ever so slightly take a small glance at you. At one point, he took a long gaze upon you. You, in which, gave a nice eyed smile in response.

'Protect... [Name]-san....'


You walked along the streets of Konoha and always felt like a pair of eyes were just gazing upon you wherever you went. Feeling annoyed and slightly paranoid, you turned around, seeing nothing.


You squealed in surprise, seeing a 7 year old Sasuke appear in front of you. A nice smile was on his face but a weird glint was in his eyes. You stared at him at first then blinked.

"Sasuke...where did you come from?", you asked. The Uchiha didn't respond at first but he just laughed. A slight shiver went down your spine.

"I was following you!", he answered, truthfully.


"To protect you!", he says, with a closed eye smile. "Now come on! I'm gonna buy dango for you!"

The neko grabbed your hand, and pulled you along. A slight chance of worry showered throughout your body, but you still put a smile on your face. But honestly, the only reason Sasuke bought dango for you, was to lead you away from a beaten up body that was one of his classmates in the Academy. 

- Flashback -

Sasuke stood behind the brick wall, watching you carefully. A random student known as, Kino [ Some of you might know who he is :3, it's a OC of mine ] walked up to him and tilted his head.

"Oi, nani o shite imaska [ What are you doing ]?", he asked. The boy had fluffy white hair, lapis eyes and a yellow under shirt with sleeves and a white shirt on top of it with navy blue pants.

"Can't talk, things to do..."
Sasuke didn't respond, he just kept his eye on you, his tail swaying from time to time. Kino frowned.

"Is this about [Name]-san?"

The Uchiha tensed up when the other boy said his name, and his ears perked straight up.

"Do not speak of [Name]-sama, you have no right too"

Kino narrowed his blue eyes but the Uchiha glanced over his shoulder, as his ears flattened back. "I promised to keep [Name]-san safe..from people like you!"

Sasuke tackled Kino, leaving scratch marks, bruises and some cuts all over him. In the process, the raven covered his mouth from any loud cries to reach your ears. Eventually, the white-haired boy gave up struggling and screaming and yelling, then dropped his arms at his side, going limp.

The neko chuckled slightly and climbed off of him then ran off, leaving him there.

- Flashback END -

'Protect. . . [Name]-san. . .'

Yandere Naruto ONESHOTS! X3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz