Yandere!Pain × Konan

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This one was intriguing so I just.. *poofs*

Author Status - Great

Request Status - Weak


! Highscool AU ¡
[ not edited ]

The wind softly flew, brushing along the graceful leaves and litter that was scattered around the ground, the wind rocking some of the young girl's purple bangs back and forth as she kept her gaze low, making sure her lips were sealed. She was never the type talk and even she was, people would still barely have remembered her name.


A very, antisocial yet artistic student who did her best to avoid any type of conflicts. Having such limited friends and companions, she didn't use her vocals much for she thought using her voice was pointless for no one dared to listen to her before so what was the point for her to speak now? She kept her hands bundled up slightly close to her chest, her footsteps quiet and still as several sounds of honking cars filled the air. She had lived in a town where gangs and criminals roamed, never wanting to leave no matter how much they desired a better life.

In her hands, Konan was folding paper. She was an excellent tactile student, whom can make a origami model out of maybe anything. She formed a heart with the crumpled up paper, hoping to find someone that could rid her of her silence and her shy, cowardly behavior. She stared at the paper heart, a small smile playing on her face until she stumbled and fell back onto the cracked sidewalk, her paper heart flowing away in the wind.

Her yellow yet bronze eyes turned to a tall male in front of her, a face mask concealing his identity causing her to tense. "Are you going to watch where your going or just fucking bump into people?", he snapped, darkly.

"My apologies.", she murmured, pulling herself up to her feet, walking passed them until the man's giant hand grabbed her shoulder, throwing her back onto the pavement like a sack of potatoes. A small bruise landed on her upper arm, causing Konan to wince and look down in shame. The man's foot stepped on her head, forcing her chin onto the ground roughly.

"Apologize. Correctly.", he hissed.

Konan didn't bother to shed any tears, for people would always take advantage of her and she would always let it go by. Even if she didn't, it would still happen, it would be pointless. As she opened her mouth, using a more polite and honorific tone a sudden voice cut her through before she even spoke.

"She shouldn't have to apologize if she already did.", a monotone voice said, hearing footsteps approach the commotion. Konan turned her attention to the upcoming figure, her eyes dilated and her lungs had lacked the oxygen they needed. That same male that had orange hair, multiple piercings and purple pupils was her classmate in three of her classes. He was just like her, he never spoke, he never really did much unless he really wanted to but people wouldn't dare speak to him out of fear and intimidation.

His voice was bone-chilling yet it had some warmth to it.

"As if someone like you have the ability to say that. You'll talk alot a smack but you'll never come forth to what you have to say.", the face-masked male snorted, pressing his foot down on the girl's head more firm. That triggered something in her fellow classmate, moving as fast as lightning, pushing him elsewhere. Now she remembered..

Pein was his name. Such a weird name for someone so quiet, she would think.

"You really don't know me at all.", he mumbled, and less than a moment the face-masked man was beaten, sores, bruises and maybe even open cuts. Pein strolled over to Konan, assisting her on her feet.

"Are you alright, Konan?", he asked quietly, brushing some of the uneven hairs on her head back in place.

"You know my name.."

"I've been watching you for a while now. So I know a few more things about you now."

Konan lowered her eyes. "O-Oh. Sorry for bringing you into that.. incident."

"No need for apologies, I'll defend you by whatever means necessary."

A small blush came onto her cheeks, as Pein ran a hand through her purple hair. "I must go now. Goodbye. Good luck on tomorrow's test, Konan.", he said, turning his back and walking away.

Konan kept her solid gaze on the male, before feeling something poked at the back of her ear. She traveled her fingers to where it was, suddenly picking her fingertip on something. She pulled it out.

A blood stained paper heart.

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