Yandere!Gaara x Fem!Reader

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[Y/N] sat on top of the Kazekage rooftop, a mask covering her mout making it hard to see her identity clearly. You watched as the people walked by and into their homes, not caring for what was above them. She sighed quietly then felt something crawl on her back, causing her to rub her hand on her back the best she could.

Nothing was there.

The girl ignored it at first but then felt the same thing except it was growing larger, causing her to turn around.

"Who's there?

Suddenly something grabbed [Y/N] and slinged her across the other side of the rooftop, to the point she were hanging off. If she would've fallen, it would be no doubt that she would certainly die. If only she could focus her chakra, but apparently she was just in a battle that left her wounds that she treated herself.

The [L/N] felt a presence hover above her, as someone flipped her meeting eye to eye with the One Tailed Jinchuriki ( don't care if misspelled ). Her [E/C] didn't stare in fear, it stared it courage and strength.


"[Y/N]...it's been a while", he says, pinning her down.

"Yeah... but you've gotten more control over yourself. I think", she said, staring into his eyes, seeing an animalistic look behind his calm expression.

"I was expecting you to be here... can I ask you something? Do you love me?"

"Wh-what?", she croaked. [Y/N] would answer the question with a yes but then he would refuse to believe her making him angry, if she said no that would be even worse. So she couldn't answer the question even if she tried.

"I-I don't know..", she replied, through the mask, her eyes trailing elsewhere. A trail of sand removed her mask, throwing it off the Kazekage roof, seeing how far the fall was.

She stared in confusion then looked at him with a blink.

Gaara leaned in then gave a her a slight kiss making the [L/N] flush a deep red. Once he pulled away, he led kisses and a few hickeys on her skin, making her moan and whimper all at once.

"Do you love me..?"

She couldn't answer the question.
"I don't kno- WAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Gaara had kicked her off the edge slightly, making her slip off a bit more, but two hands made of sand gripped her legs, preventing her from falling.

"Do you love me?"

"I can't answer the question!"

With that, the hand let go of her left leg leaving her closer to her death.


"Last chance..."

"You're going to kill me either way! If I say yes, you'll refuse to believe me causing you to attack me... if I say no, I'll die more brutally! I know how you are!"

Gaara stayed quiet as he watched her eyes water up slightly.

"You're right... but if I kill you... you can't run from me"


"I'll have you all to myself... don't worry, the pain will only hurt for a moment"

The sand hand let go, causing  [Y/N] to plunge to her death. She looked over her shoulder seeing as the bottom of the cliff got closer and closer until.....

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☆Yandere!Shisui x Fem!Reader PART TWO

♡ Yandere!Sakura x Fem!Reader LEMON

¤ Yandere!Boruto x M!Reader

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Yandere Naruto ONESHOTS! X3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz