Yandere!Rock Lee × Fem!Reader

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I think little Lee is a bit too underrated..
So I thought he deserved a kind eye ^^ Sorry it's trash, it's literally been a year since I published something  onhere

I might make a Yandere!AOT x Reader Oneshot book, should I, no?

Author Status - Great

Request Status - Weak


Your body crashed onto the ground without warning, however, you still managed to pull yourself back up onto your feet with much speed and agility. Surprisingly, as soon as you looked up, a pale Hyuga was right in front of you, aiming for a chakra point that was located on your upper arm and without any hesitation, you grabbed his wrist, locking your leg around the other male's, feeling him lose his balance. This was your chance. You retracting all of your strength into your free arm, punching into his stomach deeply then slammed him down right on the nape of his neck.  

"You can do this, [Name]!", Tenten screamed out to you, waving two encouraging pairs of thumbs high in the sky for you to see. Her brown eyes surveyed the sparring before her, adoring the constant offense and defense being shown. "Lee, isn't [Name] great?! Don't you think she's improved so much since the Chunin Exams?"

Although the words were highly praising, there was no certain response from Rock Lee. His eyes were locked onto the battle as well, but his brows were furrowed and his lips were firmly pressed together ⎯ he was worried sick. Every time Neji would land a blow or becoming close to do so, his stomach always flipped while his intestines churned for this was truly sickening to him. He always knew Neji would bring himself to his limits whenever he trained and it's not like he didn't mind, but seeing you as the sparring partner was infecting his mental stability. In all honesty, you meant far too much to him to see even a bruise on you⎯ it just wasn't worth the risk. 

"[Name]!", Lee screamed, noticing how the Hyuga made such a huge comeback, spinning in riddling circles, a blue streaks beginning to blow from his body ⎯ the Palm Rotation. Unfortunately, you were caught right in the middle of it feeling your body get electrocuted with pain while sending you flying high once again. With that finishing move, the sparring match had ended. Lee quickly rushed over to your limp figure, picking your head up from the dirt, noticing the conspicuous bruises on your cheeks and jawline. His black eyes widened in horror before rage took over his body. Tenten and Neji walked over to the both of you and Lee immediately took this chance to let out his anger.  It's not like you weren't deeply hurt, but, the sight of seeing you hurt brought him to fire and fury.

"What on Earth were you thinking, Neji?!", Rock Lee cried, gritting his teeth then clutching his fists. "When Guy-Sensei told us to train together, he did not mean for us to kill each other!"

The two of them stared bewildered by his statement, silence poured between them though, it all was broken when Tenten began to laugh for even Neji was letting out small chuckles of amusement. "Lee, haven't you noticed that ever since [Name] arrived as a new recruit, you've been nothing but overprotective towards her?", the Hyuga snickers, cocking a brow while simultaneously deactivating his Byakugan. "Have you ever thought of you being strongly attracted towards her?"

"I've gotta admit, seeing you swarm around her like that makes me think you could be possessive.", Tenten giggles, straightening out her small-like buns. You brought yourself onto your feet, trying to dust off the dirt and grass stains that were printed on your [favorite color]ed pants. You personally tuned out their bantering comments for you were busy straightening out your back since you fell on it countless times during battle. 

Lee simply frowned, however, a small tinted blush painted it's way onto his cheeks. "All I am saying is that Neji should treat [Name]-chan with more respect. You cannot just come at her as if she truly is the enemy.", he spoke, reasonably. "I understand that is a small part of mental training to some people, but [Name] is not our enemy so stop acting like it!" Tenten practically stopped breathing, everyone was astonished by this sudden outburst especially the assertive, combative tone that went along with it. You gave a nervous smile, placing your hand gently onto his tense shoulder attempting to soothe him before anything got of hand. 

"Lee, honestly, it's okay. Sometimes, being thrown around like that is the only way I can learn and become stronger.", you say softly, rubbing his shoulder before dropping it down at your side. Tenten presented a supportive smile towards your statement, understanding the abnormal way of learning from mistakes and techniques. Neji sighed softly at the other male's defensive attitude, letting his shoulders sag a bit. "I'm sorry, Lee. I promise to not hurt [Name] so badly next time.", he apologized, sincerity filling his voice. Hearing the apology actually softened Rock Lee's heart, easing his nerves and his emotions. 

"Alright. Thank you, that's all I am asking for."

"Ho-How about we go buy some sushi and dango? My treat, okay?", the girl with two brown buns suggests, her smile not faltering from her lips. Everyone soon agreed, making their way to the local market to prepare their tastebuds for the coming of food. Neji offered to pay as usual, but it was getting harder and harder to eat peacefully without taking much notice of Rock Lee's constant shuddersome look. It actually made the hairs on his neck begin to rise for his menacing look nearly drove him out of the edge and activate his Byakugan. Unfortunately, you and Tenten were so busy giggling and chiming around that you paid no mention to the boy's behaviors. Thankful enough for the pale Hyuga, the time to head back home had came rather quickly than usual, giving him time to personally relax and sleep so he could get away from that ominous gaze. Just as Neji walked along his own path to home, a call of his name forced him to stop. 


"Lee? Why aren't you returning home?", he asks, raising a brow. Lee walked up to him, an apologetic grin on his bright face.

"Neji, I do not approve of your interactions with [Name]. I fear they are too aggressive and monsterous for her to handle."

"Why would you stop me for something like this? I already apologized for what I did and I promised you I wouldn't go so rough on ⎯ "

Something happened. Something that sent chills down his spine, something that forced him to stay in place and pay attention. Lee brought his face closer to Neji's, a dark atmosphere formed around him and his eyes were actually dilated. Was this even Lee? He looked like a physcopath who just emerged from a present. "Then, you better keep that promise and if you don't, I will make sure you will never lay a hand on her again. In fact, I'm pretty sure you won't have one.", he snarls, a fearsome glare firing towards Neji more than 100mph. It's not like the male could've said anything in response for Rock Lee just threatened him, threatened his life. Lee would never threaten anyone ⎯ not even the enemy. Before he could blink, the male had already stepped away from him and began jogging back to his own home.

"Oh, and by the way..", Lee spoke up, turning around to face him. "[Name]-chan was never our enemy ⎯ you were."

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