Chapter 40

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Hey guys!! So I finally got to write this down. I'm really sorry it took so long; I was busy writing some other things but I finally got back to this! You all should be thankful to @janae_1125 for messaging me and inspiring me to update lol(; my sister maximum_pjo_hoo_thg also tells me update this too haha:D this story is almost done, probably only a few more chapters. BUT I have a surprise that I will announce at the end of it(; here's chapter 40!!!

Elsa's POV

My body spirals out of control. I can't even bring in a breath to scream as I hurdle through this space at incredible speeds. I keep my eyes squeezed shut, afraid to open them. I'm not sure I really want to see what's going on around me. If the last time I went through a portal like this was so overwhelming that it stole my memories away from me, I don't want that, not again, especially when Pitch can easily use that to his own advantage.

Memories fill my mind suddenly, but at great speeds. Of me falling onto the ice on that first day, of Jack swooping in to rescue me from getting run over by some ice skaters. Of the snowball fights and the cafeteria conversations and the nights on the balcony. Memories of laughter and joy and love.

But then my mind is flooded with bitter reminiscences. Anna freezing before my eyes, the tearful and angry fight with Jack, all of Pitch's confrontations, learning about my past, all of that leading up to the voice I still hear now as I hurdle through nothingness.


Jack. His voice is suddenly the only thing I can hear, his face is the only thing I can see.

I can't give up. I have to get back to them. To him. To Anna. I owe them that much.

I gasp as I slam into something below me; something soft, something cold.


I feel myself tumbling and rolling over and over, but I continue to squeeze my eyes shut. Thankfully, I don't hit any rocks or other obstacles that could end up injuring me. Finally, I come to a stop, and slowly, I open my eyes, groaning as I role onto my back.

The sky is the first thing I see. It's nighttime, and beautiful stars unlike anything I've ever seen before fill my vision and spread as far as I can see. The snow beneath me is incredibly soft and powdered, and I assume that it's plenty deep as well.

I try to sit up, wanting to see more of the area around me, but wince as I do so. I feel incredibly weak and fatigued. My body feels like it weighs one thousand pounds, the small amount of movement causing sweat to break out on my forehead.

"Don't try getting up. Much of your energy and power has been diminished from opening the portal. Since that was your first time, it is to be expected."

I turn my head slowly to see Pitch Black standing to my left, black, sandy robes and all. Even though he's just taken the same journey as I did, he looks perfectly normal. He stands without one hint of needing assistance, and his face, though pale and gaunt as usual, is the same as it always has been.

I shift again, grimacing as I do so,"Wh-why...why aren't you affected like me?" The sound of my voice, hoarse and exhausted, surprises me.

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