Chapter 28

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Jack's POV


I don't know what to feel. Sadness for the loss of Anna, hurt for the way Elsa just pulled away from the kiss, confusion to just about everything... I guess I feel it all. I contemplate in my mind over what made Elsa act like that. One moment she seemed happy, and the next everything seemed to fall apart. I honestly have no idea what's going on.

I look over back at Elsa as she slumps over Anna's frozen form, and I realize that she no longer is shaking. No crying noises are filling the air. I walk over to her slowly and wearily, but I shouldn't. She's unconscious now anyways. I swoop her into my arms bridal style and look at Anna. Her eyes are still full of fear. I shake my head and look away. Staff in hand, I walk over to Punzie,"Do you know where Mr.Beast is?" I ask her.

After a few seconds of her just staring at nothing, she says,"Um. Ya. He's...on his way," her voice is quiet and weak. I see that Merida looks devastated, and I realize that she no longer has a roommate.

Mr.Beast finally arrives, and when he sees Anna, he gasps,"O no," he says, but, unlike any other time an incident has occurred, there is no recognition or realization on his face. I begin to wonder why there ever was. "The party is over, everyone back to the dorms. Punzie, with me." Says Mr.Beast, and Punzie nods.

"Someone help me carry her," he says, clearly referring to Anna. A few guys go and help him lift Anna into the air, and I see Punzie follow them. They then disappear into a huge building down the river a ways. That's where all the staff lives.

I sigh and walk around back of the girls' dorm and use my staff to lift me up onto Elsa's balcony. I open the door and close it behind me gently. I know that guys aren't allowed in girls' dorms this late, but I count this as an exception. I lay Elsa down on her bed, and sit beside her, stroking her hair.

How did everything turn so horribly?

The door opens, and I look up to see Merida, Hiccup, Toothless, and Astrid walk into the room. For a moment, I'm shocked to see that Anna is not there with Merida, but then I remember what happened with a jolt.

"Do you mind if we...?" Says Hiccup, gesturing to Punzie's bed.

I shake my head, and say,"You can sit."

They file into the room slowly, the mood dark and gloomy. I have no doubt that Pitch is near.

We all sit in silence, unsure of what to say, what to do. Unlike the rest of the incidents, someone actually died here. "So," says Hiccup, as he looks at all of us in turn,"I think we all have some explaining to do."

I look up, confused,"Explaining about...?"

He sighs,"I mean, come on man. You can get here, eight floors above the ground without going through the front entrance."

Everyone nods, and I hunch over, defeated,"What do you want to know?"

"Everything," says Merida.

"Everything." I repeat almost under my breath. Where to start? "Some of this stuff you may not believe," I warn.

No one responds, but I know what they are thinking. After all the incidents, nothing is unbelievable anymore. I sigh and begin,"Well, I'll start with the past that I remember. I mean, I lost my memories in an 'accident' just like you did, but, well, I guess that none of us ever were in an accident. It was all a lie."

Everyone nods, but no one speaks.

"I've only gotten glimpses of my past, little things. Like, I remember some of the strangest things, like waking up after floating through ice. I also remember a sort of battle, and I was fighting with, (call me crazy, but I swear this is true)I was also fighting with Sandy, Bunny, North, and Tooth. We were all fighting against Pitch, this guy who wants to fill the whole world with fear and get rid of the Guardians. Which are-"

"Wait, what are the Guardians?" Asks Merida.

"The Guardians are people, or, more like beings who protect the worlds children from evil like Pitch. They all have a center, or a thing they are supposed to protect. Like Tooth protects memories, Sandy protects dreams, North protects wonder, Bunny protects hope, and I protect fun."

Everyone looks at me in shock,"Wait, so all of you guys are from the same world? Is that even possible?" Asks Merida. Strangely, Hiccup, Astrid, and Toothless all nod with me.

I continue to tell the story,"I don't remember much more with the Guardians, but I do remember that I went to a certain kingdom during another time, and the kingdom seemed to be in an entirely different world."

"So, uh, how does this explain how you can come up here without the elevator?" Says Astrid.

I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing,"I, uh, have ice powers. I can control ice, shoot ice out of my staff, make snow, I have incredibly good aim and strength when it comes to snowball fights, and I can use the winds to fly. That's how I get up here. But I can only do all that stuff with my staff, but I guess I still rock at snowball fights when I don't have the staff with me."

I look up, expecting jaws to drop to the floor, maybe even fainting, but I just see slightly wider eyes.

"So," I say,"What about you guys? Your stories?"

"So Elsa has the same powers as you?" Asks Toothless, ignoring my question.

I nod,"Yes, except she can't fly and she doesn't need a staff to use her powers."

Everyone nods,"Ok, we'll keep a secret. For all the stories. Deal?" Asks Hiccup.

"Deal," we all say in unison.

The next part of our time is spent with story telling. Hiccup, Astrid, and Toothless all come from a place called Berk, and the have dragons as pets. Yes, pets. They said they used to hunt dragons, but not anymore. They described a few battles, some training, hanging out with Toothless when he was a dragon...right now, Toothless can turn into a dragon and back to human. But in their actual world, he is permanently a dragon.

Merida comes from a kingdom called DunBroch. She is the princess there, and she will one day be Queen. I guess that she rocks at the boy-and-arrow, but we all already know that. She's hiding the weapon in the dorm somewhere...creepy. She tells us stories about fighting a bear, having her mother be turned into a bear, and about other men from different kingdoms wanting her hand in marriage. She refused, of course.

Sadly, there is one thing missing from all of our stories: details.

I look down at Elsa. I want her to tell us her story. I only know some of it. I was there. But my memory still has plenty of holes.

We will know Elsa's story when the time is right.

Suddenly, the door opens up behind us, and we see Punzie standing there, looking absolutely defeated. But there is also some fire in her eyes when she looks up and says,"We really need to talk." She looks over at Elsa,"And we need to put her into something comfy. The girls will, of course."


Plz comment and vote! Sry it took so long to update! I guess I was having a writer's block. I'll update soon! Set for any mistakes!


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