Chapter 42

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Hey guys! NEW COVER YAYAYAYAYA! Sorry that this took longer than I expected...I was spending a lot of time on a story for an anime I watched recently, but I took a small break from it for this. This story isn't too much longer...after this about three chapters? Maybe four? But we are close! After that I'm probably gonna put my fanfictions mostly on, but here too after because why not(: The First Quarter Quell  is being COMPLETELY remade haha with new characters and a kinda new plot, I like it a lot better but it won't be out for a LONGGGGG time. The next one that will be out is one for an anime called Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, my all time favorite anime, but I'm finishing it before I post it because we all know I suck at updating so it may be a few years until that comes out. I want to also find time to edit this story because a lot of it is my eleven year old writing and it is so beyond cringy I cry. So yea, that's all mainly my plan hahah besides the surprise I have for you all at the end of all this (; Anyway, let's get started!


Jack's POV


My eye twitches as I watch the group in front of me trying their best, (which, to be one hundred percent honest, is not very impressive), to successfully use their "gifts", or whatever you'd like to call them, in a way that would be affective against a force such as Pitch Black. However, at this point, we are very, very far from that reality that we hope to reach.

We've been inside the campus gym room standing on the matted floor for over an hour now trying to prepare ourselves properly. Actually, at first, I was actually pretty excited and filled with high hopes for our chances of completing our upcoming mission as smoothly as can be. Everyone was at least showing that they had even a little a bit of an idea of what they were doing, which, (and I can vouch for this from experience), to me, was actually pretty surprising and impressive for just being made aware so recently.

However, as the minutes continued to drag on with agonizing slowness and little to no progress had been made, I'm now trying really, really hard to hold it together. I have no right to go hard on any of them, especially since I can still remember how hard it was to get a really good hang on my magic, but still. I hate just sitting around and being useless. Yet again, I can't forget what we are all up against: Pitch Black and whatever else he has up his sleeves. Which is never a good thing.

And as I watch Hiccup and Toothless struggle to fly smoothly as they barrel into walls over and over again, I can't help but feel a heavy sense of dread and doubt fill my chest. And suddenly, I'm afraid. One thing that I absolutely hate being reduced to. I'm afraid not only for Elsa and what's happening to her currently, but also for everyone in this room, soon to be rushing into a battle they are not ready to fight. What will I do if any of them end up getting hurt? Or worse? What will I do if someone...

"Jack? Will you come over here a sec?" Anna calls from the other side of the room, her hands raised in front of her as she tries, to no avail, to open some sort of portal in the wall before her, even if it isn't big or exactly what we will need when the time comes.

Glad for the chance to get my mind working and distracted from the dark path that it was heading down, I stand and glide over to her a few feet off the ground, small, magical ice particles leaving a blue-white sparkly trail behind me. When I reach her, I land softly beside her and watch as she furrows her eyebrows in concentration and raises her hands. But, just like every other attempt she's made so far, no portal appears. Anna groans in frustration and anger before throwing her hands down and stalking over to the wall where she sits, leaning her head back against it. I follow her and sit beside her, concern suddenly spiking in my heart.

"Are you okay?" I ask, scanning her face. She bites her lip and pulls her knees up to her chest, making her look small and vulnerable, something Anna should never look like.

The Cold Never Bothered Me AnywayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora