Chapter 15

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Anna's POV


Merida and I walk back to our dorms. I am glad that classes for the rest of the day are cancelled. I am excited for music classes tomorrow too. Luckily, a lot of my friends take that class. Rapunzel, Ariel, a girl named Jasmine on another floor, and, well, Snow White was taking it until...

I push those negative thoughts out of my mind and continue walking through the snow. I hear laughter to my side, and I see Elsa and a lot of her friends having a snowball fight. I smile. Guess who's there? Jack. I watch the way Elsa watches Jack. Her eyes seem more beautiful and bright when she watches him, and she laughs more than usual. Ooooo, someone's in love. I'm very proud of Elsa. She's actually being outgoing, she's not shutting everyone out, like she did when we were younger...

The memories of the horrible years following my parents' deaths fill my mind. After word of our parents passing away, Elsa had taken it hard. Well, that's what I had been told. I actually don't remember any of this. But sometimes, I have dreams about something similar, in a huge castle, me living a lonely child hood. Anyways, Elsa had shut herself in her room, only coming out to eat food and things essential to life. We had been so close before until then. Even now it's slightly awkward, but it has gotten loads better.

I want to walk over and talk to Elsa, but I leave her be. I can talk to her later. I sigh.

"What's wrong?" Asks Merida.

"Well, Snow White and Aurora are both in death sleeps..." I say, trailing off.

"Ya, it sucks. I mean, it's the second day of school, and already all of this is hapenning."

I nod. We are at the elevator now. I hit the button for floor 8, and the doors open. Merida and I step inside, and wait patiently as the elevator groans and takes us upwards. When the doors open, we walk to our dorm, and I drive my key into the lock, turn it, and open the door, grunting with effort.

I step in and let the door close, forgetting about Merida standing behind me. I hear a sharp,"Ouch!" And a small thud. I turn and see Merida, one hand clutching her forehead and the other holding the door open. "Oi! What was that for?" She asks.

I try to hold back a laugh, but fail. I giggle, and say,"Oops?"

She sighs and rolls her eyes,"Haha, very funny,"she closes the door, walks over to our snack area, grabs a bag of chips, hops into her bed, and starts to eat the Lays. I sit on my bed, take my braids out, and comb my hair.

For the rest of the day, Merida and I just watch some of our favorite movies, like the Avengers, and obsess over the cute actors.

I might be acting care free, but deep inside, I feel a spark of fear. One time, I thought I saw a guy dressed in black, standing in my window, but Merida had told me that it was nothing.

I'm not quite sure if she is correct.


Hi guys! I'm so sorry for the short chapter! I promise the next ones will be longer! I just needed to get that little filler in. The next chap will be Anna's POV, but the one after that will go back to Jack or Elsa's POV. Stay tuned!


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