Chapter 25

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A/N- Hi guys! Sorry for saying "for the moment" at the end of the last chap, I seriously don't know how that happened...well back to the story.

Elsa' POV


I turn and face the dark man, slowly taking steps backward as I wearily eye him. He chuckles, his golden eyes full of dark humor. He shakes his head, and says,"Oh Elsa, are you afraid? Well, of course you are. I'm here!" He smiles,"I can feel your fear."

I back up until my back hits the wall behind me, still not saying a thing. He walks closer to me, and I feel my heart beat quicken, and wipe my sweaty hands on my dress. When I look up again, he is much closer, and I try to hide and shrink into the wall. But I can't.

I use all I have left to use-my powers. I feel the ice on my fingertips, and I shoot it out at Pitch. Before it can hit him, the shadows that seem drawn to him consume him; hide him. I look around, my hair sticking up on my neck. I hear chucking behind me, and I whirl around. He smirks down at me, his glowing eyes full of amusement.

I back up, my eyes never leaving him. He laughs, and says,"Elsa, I'm not here to hurt you. Actually, I need you. But we can get to that later. Right now, I just want to show you what you truly are."

My head becomes filled with confusion. He needs me? Why? What am I?

"Let me show you."

He reaches out to hold my hand, but I step back quickly, eyes full of hate. He sighs,"Elsa, I need to show you. So let me."

His hand stays hovering between us, and I look at it for a few seconds before actually taking it. Immediately, I feel myself falling into a sort of sleep, and actually falling. Right as I hit the ground, I find myself somewhere else. Well, sort of. Let's just say it's at a different time.

I'm in the same room, but it's now empty. Except for me and Pitch, who I really try to avoid. I hear voices from another room in the castle, a very familiar voice.

Elsa runs into the room, followed by a very concerned looking Anna, who seems to be singing. She stands in the doorway as Elsa turns away from her, and continues to walk further into the room. She sings,"I will be right here," as she puts her hand on her chest.

Elsa turns, a happy yet sad smile displayed,"Anna, please go back home. Your life awaits. Go enjoy the sun and open up the gates."

This time speaking, Anna says,"But-"

Elsa cuts her off, putting her hands in front of her as she sings,"I know! You mean well, but leave me be. Yes I'm alone but I'm alone and free! Just stay away and you'll be safe from me!"

"Actually we're not." Sings Anna, her face with the look of,"Please don't be mad at me."

Elsa turns, and her voice seems more dangerous this time,"What do you mean you're not?"

"I have a feeling you don't know..."

"What do I not know?"

Anna looks up with the same face on, but she crouches a little as if she's afraid of the outcome of this. Wait, let me rephrase that- she is afraid of the outcome.

"Arendelle's in deep, deep, deep, deep snow."

Elsa's eyes widen, and she says almost under her breath,"What?"

"Well that's ok, you can just unfreeze it!" Says Anna, always the optimist.

"No I can't, I-I don't know how!" Says Elsa, always the pessimist,(and by the way, I've gotten ALOT better at being positive).

"Sure you can!" Says Anna, and I notice that her hair and clothing has begun to blow around her, like wind. Wind.

I look over at Elsa, and see that she has her major stressed face on. I see a snowy torrent forming around her, spreading throughout the whole room, making both sisters' hair and clothing billow around them.

"I know you can!" Continues Anna. And then she sings,"Cuz for the first time in forever..."

Elsa joins in to the song with her own words,"I'm such a fool I can't be free!"

"You don't have to be afraid!"

"No escape from the storm inside of me."

"We can fix this thing together."

I can see Elsa's face looking very afraid, and I realize why Pitch much have gotten so much power.

"I can't control the curse!"

"We'll reverse the storm you've made."

Elsa clutches her head with her hands, her eyes squeezed shut as if she is in pain,"Anna please you'll only make it worse!"

Anna tries to be encouraging, but it doesn't work,"Don't panic."

Elsa looks up at her reflection in the ice, and sees a scared girl, and, to herself, she sees a monster.

I feel the same things she feels, and I feel myself choking on the air around me, remembering what's going to happen very soon. Tears begin to burn behind my eyes.

"There's so much fear!" Sings Elsa, and she turns and looks at Anna,"You're not safe here!"

"We can fix this thing together, we can stop this winter weather, and everything will be-"

Anna is cut off when the whole storm seems to be sucked into Elsa as she sings/yells,"I can't!"

The storm that had been locked inside of her shoots out in a sharp, jagged circle. And some of that ice hits Anna.

Elsa turns, and gasps when she sees her sister gasping in pain.

I run towards Anna, even though I know that there is no way I can help her. But I run straight into an invisible wall, and I fly back a few feet. I scramble to my feet, dazed. This time, I slowly walk to the invisible wall, my hands held in front of me. When they hit whatever is there, I feel the tears behind my eyes suddenly burst forth. I keep my palms against the glass, and rest my forehead on it. Pitch didn't say a word whatsoever.

Then everything turns black, and when I open my eyes I'm back at the party, but I see Jack over somewhere else, cradling me in his arms. What?

I wipe my eyes, and I hear Pitch behind me say,"He doesn't know that you are actually over here. You see, your body is over there, but, how should I describe this? Your mind is over here. Of course, Jack can't see you or me. So don't count on him for help."

I close my eyes, trying to take it all in. He speaks again,"Did you see what you are? Did you finally realize?"

His voice is full of amusement and menace.

I shake my head, unsure of what he is talking about. Suddenly, his voice turns harsh,"You are a monster."

The words punch me in the gut, and I wince as I hear them.

"But," he continues,"I guess I am too. But if you join me, you can be happy. We can be monsters together."

I look at him, shocked,"What makes you think I'll join you?"

He chuckles, but the laugh quickly diminishes,"You'll see soon enough." His voice is full of menace.

Then I feel a falling sensation, and my eyes snap open again, but this time, I am in Jack's arms. And for right now, that's exactly where I need to be.


Remember to comment and vote! Also I'm out of school now! Summer! I'll be able to post more often now!


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